Yeah, well we need more. I think that's more personal humiliation on his part getting burned by Manningham, trucked by Jacobs, and then drawing a dumb penalty. He's another guy who had a rough night. I'm very concerned about him right now. First time in his career I've felt that way.
As far as the tackling goes, par for the course with this team. Their fundamentals have been crappy for a while now, it's just that talent was covering it up. Works on both sides of the ball too. Take Romo. There's no way he'd have pulled this shit tonight if there was a coach he feared and respected waiting to chew him out on the sideline for being an idiot. Sparano and Haley had that attitude after Parcells left, but since then?
Eh, I'm just getting angrier as I go along. I think I'm just going to pop some Ambien and pretend it's a dream.
Until I wake up tomorrow and find out that MBIII has a torn quad (you just watch. I have a terrible feeling).