say what you want about PFT, and they absolutely make shit up and then refute what they said couple hours later tops. but its still the site i visit the moment I wake up and if you skip all "Report: blatant rumor, we're not saying its true, but it COULD be" that infects all forms of sports journalism these days. thats why i use think link, because it spares me Mike Florios soapbox. (I dont blame Rosenthall, hes young, and he's lucky as shit to have a gig this high profile this early in his career.).
Still the best source of up to the minute NFL news for NFL crackheads like me. Not only do they stay on top of breaking news, they even show the courtesy to give credit where credit is due if they steal someone elses article (not alot of journalists show that same respect).
And even though Florio is a a lawyer by trade, search the Michael Vick dogfighting case. there aint a "traditional" journalist that could hold hold his jock for both understand the legalese, and translating it to armchair front office types like the rest of us.