Don't recall if you guys remember this from awhile back on a different Madden site. (our top player was The Flyest). But I ran a little game where I'd give a "year" and then give some little tidbits of information about the player. There would be 7 allowed guesses to try and decide who the player is, or if there's an excessive amount of time (2 days or so) without any guesses. A scoreboard will be kept of all alloted points. If you guess the correct answer, you earn 10 points, if you post a reply, and according to the MBoard clock, someone else posts the same answer at the same minute, you each get 5 points. After 7 guesses, I will try and give another, slightly more obvious clue, and whoever correctly guesses that will get 5 points, and if once again, it's a time-tie, then you get 2 points.
EDIT: This is actually the 2nd revival, the previous revival occured at MM in which Senser81 was in the lead by a large margin with 67 pts, the closest being Kirkm486 with 32, CMp66 with 30 and DCoakley52 with 25. Anyway, since it's a new site, that = complete pt wipe.
Get it? Got it? Good!
NFL Trivia Scoreboard
Dell71: 130 Pts
Senser81: 125 Pts
Strahanfan92: 45 Pts
Matt: 20 Pts
Firsttimer: 15 Pts
Awesomtrax: 10 pts
Aso21Raiders: 10 Pts
Babalu87: 10 Pts
Bomberooski: 10 pts
xceltsxpatsxsox: 10 pts
KleShreen: 10 Pts
Peyman18: 10 Pts
PNovak: 10 Pts
RainboUnicorn: 10 Pts
Sven Draconian: 10 Pts
DDRGuido: 5 Pts
Youk: 5 Pts
Q: How do I play?
Answer - Just start answering whenever you want.
Q: What does the year mean?
Answer - This means imagine that the question was asked. Like if it says 1998 season completed, and I ask a question saying this QB has less than 5,000 passing yards and 30 td's on his career. The answer is Peyton Manning. Even if Manning went on to obviously surpass that, if this question was asked in 1998 you'd come to that answer.
Q: There are multiple answers!
Answer - Sometimes, in order to keep it at least somewhat challenging, the facts may be vague leaving the opportunity for a dozen or less players to be a correct answer. If this is the case that's when the extra clue comes into play to help out.
Q: What are the clue's and how do we get them?
Answer - Basically you guys have 10 guesses to get the correct answer. After 7 guesses I will give a slightly more obvious fact. This fact will be given to hopefully completely narrow down the possible player to only a select few. Thusly giving you 3 more guesses to get it. But it comes at a price. It'll 1/2 the point value of the question to only 5 points.
Q: WTF i got it right and you only gave me 5 points! - or - WTF! we got a clue but he still got 10 pts!
Answer - If you only get 5 points for a correct answer then that means a clue was given at some point, check the previous page. If a person gets 10 pts with the clue, that usually means I personally made a mistake somewhere in the facts that would've led the previous answers to be incorrect.
Q: Is there a prize?
Answer - I don't know yet. Probably not though, but we'll see.
Q: When does it end?
Answer - I don't know yet. We'll see.
Q: My player meets all your requirements but you said it was wrong!
Answer - I try to make it so there are 5-10 players that might fit the requirements too prevent people who have or some other site open in another window from dominating at the game. However, due to demand, I have now made it so if this is the case you will receive 5 points. Then when the clue is revealed after 7 guesses that'll general narrow it down to 2-3 possible players for you guys to get the correct answer.
It shall begin!
EDIT: This is actually the 2nd revival, the previous revival occured at MM in which Senser81 was in the lead by a large margin with 67 pts, the closest being Kirkm486 with 32, CMp66 with 30 and DCoakley52 with 25. Anyway, since it's a new site, that = complete pt wipe.
Get it? Got it? Good!
NFL Trivia Scoreboard
Dell71: 130 Pts
Senser81: 125 Pts
Strahanfan92: 45 Pts
Matt: 20 Pts
Firsttimer: 15 Pts
Awesomtrax: 10 pts
Aso21Raiders: 10 Pts
Babalu87: 10 Pts
Bomberooski: 10 pts
xceltsxpatsxsox: 10 pts
KleShreen: 10 Pts
Peyman18: 10 Pts
PNovak: 10 Pts
RainboUnicorn: 10 Pts
Sven Draconian: 10 Pts
DDRGuido: 5 Pts
Youk: 5 Pts
Q: How do I play?
Answer - Just start answering whenever you want.
Q: What does the year mean?
Answer - This means imagine that the question was asked. Like if it says 1998 season completed, and I ask a question saying this QB has less than 5,000 passing yards and 30 td's on his career. The answer is Peyton Manning. Even if Manning went on to obviously surpass that, if this question was asked in 1998 you'd come to that answer.
Q: There are multiple answers!
Answer - Sometimes, in order to keep it at least somewhat challenging, the facts may be vague leaving the opportunity for a dozen or less players to be a correct answer. If this is the case that's when the extra clue comes into play to help out.
Q: What are the clue's and how do we get them?
Answer - Basically you guys have 10 guesses to get the correct answer. After 7 guesses I will give a slightly more obvious fact. This fact will be given to hopefully completely narrow down the possible player to only a select few. Thusly giving you 3 more guesses to get it. But it comes at a price. It'll 1/2 the point value of the question to only 5 points.
Q: WTF i got it right and you only gave me 5 points! - or - WTF! we got a clue but he still got 10 pts!
Answer - If you only get 5 points for a correct answer then that means a clue was given at some point, check the previous page. If a person gets 10 pts with the clue, that usually means I personally made a mistake somewhere in the facts that would've led the previous answers to be incorrect.
Q: Is there a prize?
Answer - I don't know yet. Probably not though, but we'll see.
Q: When does it end?
Answer - I don't know yet. We'll see.
Q: My player meets all your requirements but you said it was wrong!
Answer - I try to make it so there are 5-10 players that might fit the requirements too prevent people who have or some other site open in another window from dominating at the game. However, due to demand, I have now made it so if this is the case you will receive 5 points. Then when the clue is revealed after 7 guesses that'll general narrow it down to 2-3 possible players for you guys to get the correct answer.
It shall begin!
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