Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 thread

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  • Maestro
    ♫Just Like Music♫
    • Nov 2008
    • 3557

    Overview of a few multiplayer maps.

    Name: Afghan
    Location: Afghanistan
    Setting: Desert / Caves

    Description: Each side of this rocky desert map is fairly defensible, but given all of the narrow entry passages, one good enemy rush can trap you and your team in your base, where you will wind up frantically swatting at multiple enemy flanks. The middle of the map, however, is nice and open, and the ruins of an ancient jumbo jet ambiance and a little cover. But be warned: get caught out in the central area and you’re a snipers dream (especially due to the overlooking bunkers), so either bolt through or take the long way round. While not the most secret-laden map, there are a few tricks and quirks to Afghan that can give you the advantage.

    1) High Ledge: This ledge is a great sniping spot, and it’s made better by the pile of mattresses beneath it. You cushiony friend below make a normally deadly fall survivable, creating a quick getaway route, especially if your opponent doesn’t know the trick and hesitates.

    2) Bunker: The cliff top bunker here is a great spot for long-range defense, but like any stronghold, someone will come along and clear it out every once in a while. Stay vigilant.

    3) Cavern: This roomy cavern leads directly to one of the flags in CTF matches. Its is the most obvious entryway and is thus a poor route to launch a real attack. However, with a riot shield and some guts, creating chaos in the cave is a great way to distract the defenders while your teammates sneak around from one of the side entrances.

    4) Gas Tanks: Use your environment! A pile of explosive gas tanks here can be used to scatter attacker’s limbs like jenga blocks. If for some reason you’re completely out of ammo, a strange quirk will cause the tanks to explode if you jump on them from enough distance and height. That’ll surprise ‘em (and kill you)

    5) Cockpit: The cockpit of this bit of wreckage is a good place to hide when defending the bombsite within it. You’re backed into a corner and exposed to grenade attacks, but headstrong enemies will often run into the plane too quickly to catch you before you aerate their chests with bullets.

    Name: Estate
    Setting: Wooded area / Estate house

    Description: This is a curious map, Its setting is reminiscent of creek from the COD4 DLC, but it plays very differently. At the southern end of the map is a large, two-storey estate house, which tends to become the centrepiece of every battle (hence the name). It is defensible, but not hard to infiltrate once you know the tricks, and when you’re in it’s easy to create a lot of confusion (smoke grenades help). Outside of the buildings, the map is wooded and encourages long-range combat and a lot of sprinting.

    1) Side Entrance: The house has several entrances, and most of which will get you killed most of the time. However, come around to the side and you’ll find a pile of logs that create a convenient up to the second floor. Anyone inside will probably be focused on defending the doors or peering into the distance and looking for heads to snipe, so your surprise attack has a decent chance of wreaking a little havoc. Any way you enter, it’s rarely a bad idea to toss a stun grenade in first.

    2) Greenhouse: The greenhouse next to the estate gets a lot of traffic, so it would be wise to lurk around behind it waiting for battles to erupt inside. Running directly through it can be dangerous, but most of the paths to the estate care dangerous, so that’s pretty avoidable

    3) Gully: The central gully and path to the house is a popular one, but it can also be well covered by anyone on the second floor of the house. You’ll a lot of the map’s action in this area, which either means that you’ll avoid it or gravitate to it, depending on how frantic you like your matches.

    4) Roof Access: Yet another pile of logs on the back of this shack provides easy access to the roof, where large portions of the map can be covered. If you’re running near the area, remember to glance up in case you’re being scoped out by a prone sniper.

    5) The Long Way: This side of the map is the least used, and is the safest, but longest, way to approach the estate.

    6) Power Station: The power station doesn’t get a whole lot of action, but it can still be a dangerous place. Watch out for snipers on the building at number 4, and be wary of running up the central path at number 3, as that tends to end in a flurry of gunfire and a respawn.

    Name: Favela
    Location: Rio De Janero
    Setting: Slums / Favelas

    Description: Favela is a challenging map. The term “Favela” means “shantytown,” and shantytowns are full of tight corridors and blind corners. The trick with objective based matches is to know when to stick to the cluttered streets and when to rise to the rooftops. It’s much easier to lose pursuers on the streets – every time they unload a round you’re already around the next corner. There’s less cover on the rooftops, but travel is faster and you can cover larger areas of ground. In general, use the low ground for offense (e.g. carrying a flag) and the high ground for defense, but break that rule if your opponents seem to be neglecting either area. In Team Deathmatch and Free-for-all, your verticality will depend on how you like to play.

    1) Large Street: This large street is the biggest open area in the map, and darting through it can be dangerous, since its easily covered by the nearby rooftops. Use the cars as cover and weapons, and avoid sticking around for too long.

    2) Shortcut: You can leap the gap between these buildings – a shortcut to reach the larger building without being exposed for to long. Going unseen is a key to succeeding in this map.

    3) High Point: This building is the highest point on the map, and can be used to cover a lot of ground – just watch out for any crack shots on/in surrounding buildings.

    4) Street Maze: Rooftop snipers will have a harder time picking you off if you stick to this street maze. You can spend the whole match in this central section and still see a lot of action.
    Name: Highrise
    Setting: Skyscraper rooftop / Building site

    Description: The uncharacteristic, but entirely welcome setting – the roof of an unfinished skyscraper, and parts of its interior office space and access passages – makes Highrise a gem of a map. It’s also full of strategic quirks, choke points, and sniping spots if you know where to look for them. Expect average players to hover around the interior sections at opposite sides of the map, and run through the central throughways.

    1) Beams: These suspended beams can (and should) be utilized, though don’t run around on them for too long because they offer little cover. What they do offer is a path to the second floor of the northern interior, which is a great place to hunker down and practice marksmanship. You can leap onto one of these beams from the helipad on the right side of the map.

    2 and 3) Interiors: The two opposing interiors offer some extra-personal combat. Stay in a crouch and sneak through the cubicles – anyone who foolishly lets their head stick out above one of the half-walls can easily be fragged to pieces through the thin dividers (watch as papers go everywhere). Shotguns (remember these are secondary weapons now) are particularly effective. And remember to use your environment when the opportunity arises – a large copy machine will explode after being beaten into submission, just like cars.

    4) Scaffolding: A bit of scaffolding gives you access to a barely perceptible ledge that runs along the side of the building, which is an excellent secret route for carrying flags or bombs in objective modes. Even if the enemy kills you while you’re carrying the objective, they’ll have a tough time retrieving it from its perch, giving you and your team the opportunity to catch them while they’re distracted.

    5) Passageway: There’s a passageway (not visible) which runs across the entire map, from the norther interior to the southern. Here, in the middle, an opening exposes a passage to the air, making lower-level travelers vulnerable for a second. This isn’t the most secretive route – everyone knows its there – but if you’re lucky, you’ll make it to the other side and pop up behind the opposing team without tipping anyone off. Slaughter time!

    6) Parkour Opp: There’s a piece of scaffolding hanging out about 10 feet from the edge of the building here. If you enjoy a little parkour, and don’t mind dying a few times, you can leap from the building , grab onto scaffolding by pressing the Jump/Action button, climb it like a ladder, shimmy across a slither of the ledge, walk up another piece of scaffolding, and reach the roof of the southern interior – the highest point of the map. You might also find a little surprise up there!
    Credit to MW2blog
    Last edited by Maestro; 10-23-2009, 05:46 PM.


    • Maestro
      ♫Just Like Music♫
      • Nov 2008
      • 3557

      I like the sound of Highrise and Estate.


      • Blade
        Walking SAM site
        • Feb 2009
        • 3739

        Originally posted by mfbmike
        These motherfuckers have completely turned their backs on the PC community, who are the people who even put themselves in a position to make money.

        Fuck activision/IW or whoever the fuck.
        The hell are you talking about?


        • Maestro
          ♫Just Like Music♫
          • Nov 2008
          • 3557

          Originally posted by Blade
          The hell are you talking about?
          COD multiplayer was made famous on the PC.


          • Sharkweather
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2009
            • 8906

            Wake me up when its the 10th... I think I'm gonna try to sleep until then.


            • Chrispy
              Needs a hobby
              • Dec 2008
              • 11403

              Originally posted by Hova
              Wake me up when its the 10th... I think I'm gonna try to sleep until then.
              Im gonna do the same


              • MVP1991
                The Man
                • Feb 2009
                • 2342

                Originally posted by Hova
                Wake me up when its the 10th... I think I'm gonna try to sleep until then.

                The Golden Turducken
                Season 1: 11-5 (Super Bowl Champion)
                Season 2: 12-4 (NFC West Champion)

                Season 3: 9-4


                • Maestro
                  ♫Just Like Music♫
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3557

                  Originally posted by Hova
                  Wake me up when its the 10th... I think I'm gonna try to sleep until then.
                  Yes sir


                  • mgoblue2290
                    Posts too much
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 7174

                    There is a guy walking around all the maps and previewing them. I don't know how long he's been on for or how much longer he will be on. Actually, I'm pretty sure its PS3.

                    He's currently on the Rio de Janeiro map.
                    Last edited by mgoblue2290; 10-25-2009, 10:11 PM.


                    • Sharkweather
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 8906

                      Nice. Watching.


                      • Chrispy
                        Needs a hobby
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 11403

                        ohh sick nice, hard to see but better than nothing


                        • MmmmBeeeeer
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 6709

                          Yeah its PS3, he's getting messages left and right lol


                          • MmmmBeeeeer
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 6709

                            LOL, it was funny how crazy the chat went when he turned the camera around


                            • mgoblue2290
                              Posts too much
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 7174

                              Originally posted by MmmmBeeeeer
                              LOL, it was funny how crazy the chat went when he turned the camera around
                              I know, that was great. It was a collective freak out, complete with racial slurs.


                              • Sharkweather
                                Senior Member
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 8906

                                It was Pedro!

