On the Ravens
Am i dissapointed? Yes
Am i going to bitch about it? No
Beacuse there is no reason to because donny doesnt read these. he reads thoughts at OS but not here
I am very unhappy with Jared Gaither, Kelly Gregg, Tavares Gooden, Dawan Landry and Frank Walker but after week 1 there be lots of changes so we will just get over it and wait and see ae. I love these new ratings system and if i csay i love them i shouldnt be saying that every player should be higher beacuse that would be contradicting myself lol
Am i dissapointed? Yes
Am i going to bitch about it? No
Beacuse there is no reason to because donny doesnt read these. he reads thoughts at OS but not here
I am very unhappy with Jared Gaither, Kelly Gregg, Tavares Gooden, Dawan Landry and Frank Walker but after week 1 there be lots of changes so we will just get over it and wait and see ae. I love these new ratings system and if i csay i love them i shouldnt be saying that every player should be higher beacuse that would be contradicting myself lol