EA announces 2 demos
I'm assuming the dilemma i that he would have to pay for the game early. Therefore if it sucks ass, he's out $60. With the demo he gets to decide if its worth dropping $60 on.Comment
Get the game early and if you don't like it you can sell it and get back what you paid for it. You may be able to sell it for more than you paid for it if you sell it before the release date.Comment
I only care about a demo if you can change the difficulty on it. After NCAA '09 I realized just how different gameplay on JV is from gameplay on AA/Heisman. I wont get a good feel for the game if I play it on pro mode, so why bother?Comment
Well with the $60 I'm saying from not buying NCAA 10, I might as well put 5 down for Madden 10 and pick up the demo.Originally posted by ram29jacksonI already said months ago that Seattle wasn't winning any SBComment