Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

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  • Maynard
    stupid ass titles
    • Feb 2009
    • 17875

    i can not understand why there is so little info on this game as far as reviews go. But lucky for me i have been able to talk to friends who have it.....

    here is another post from a friend who has it

    Ok, Finally got it. Played the training and the first mission(Night missions are neato). This is a very interesting game; so far I don't dislike anything yet. All this boohooing over the menu system is just stupid. It's a perfectly fine system that once you get the hang of you'll be breezing though it like nothing. It's probably just lazy Halo fanboys who are complaining about it. Yes, the system makes it so you can't fast swap weapons or quick reload like in COD, you actually have to take cover if you want to switch to something or call in an air strike; ya know like how you would do it if you were really in a fire fight. You wouldn't be slinging your primary weapon onto your back to switch to an RPG and then launching it at the guy ten feet in front of you.

    This game was clearly meant for the military buffs and PC war sim players. The jargon alone is testament to that. Seriously, not even COD has THIS many acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations.

    Fire fights are fun, like really fun. Bullet drop is evident, haven't noticed any effect from wind though. Shooting at a moving target at distance is a challenge, this is no COD point and click sniping.

    Graphics are decent, the only time I've really noticed "Hey, these graphics are kinda meh" has been in first person view while driving a jeep or in third person view while driving a jeep. Conclusion; don't drive jeeps. For the most part, you don't notice the graphics, as odd as that sounds. They're good enough that you know what you're looking at but not so over done (a la Gears of War) that you realize "Hey, look, GRAPHICS!" There is no massive amount of bloom, no shiny metal armor, no flashy Hollywood style explosions. You call in an artillery strike and you get a massive amount of smoke and dust, just like a real explosion. Speaking of which, calling in a bombardment is the most awesome thing ever. It's just explosion after explosion and it seems to go on forever. I would seriously not want to be on the other end of that.

    Sound is kind.. eh.. Could be better, but it's decent.

    I'm looking forward to playing some co-op.

    Now, if you don't mind I'm RTB to play some more.


    • Boucher
      King of EDM
      • Jul 2009
      • 3733

      I hate to say it but on OS they have a huge group thats playing it. Im going to pick it up tom or this weekend for ps3. Def hit me up if you wanna do coop


      • Maynard
        stupid ass titles
        • Feb 2009
        • 17875

        nothing wrong with saying that.....OS has alot of great info.

        Popped this in at 7 pm and just stopped now. Spent about 4 hrs in the 1st mission which is like a tutorial, but not to in depth of a tutorial. Then the rest of the night i played coop campaign which is awesome. The game is great and totally fun to play.....im tired and will post more in the morning


        • Maynard
          stupid ass titles
          • Feb 2009
          • 17875

          A lot of the negative comments I read are not valid. They come from people who say not to play it like COD, but then don’t take their own advice. This is obvious once you start playing because you see for yourself what they are talking about and realize quickly that it’s not COD and you can’t do that. Why? Cause this is a real war game and in real life you can’t do COD actions in a war.

          Just to put aside some of the big gripes I read about. The Menu system. This menu system is very good. It works fine and is smooth to use. It will take you time to remember where everything is, but it’s not hard to use at all. Reviewers claimed that they would get killed trying to use the menus in a firefight. Well in my opinion that is them trying to use it when not in cover. You will quickly learn that cover is needed before you try and access the menus during a firefight. Makes sense right? In a real war you wouldn’t stand in the open to call an air strike would you.

          The other major gripe I read was your squad AI. I didn’t see anything to complain about with them. But I will say that the gripes I read are very minor as related to how it plays in the game. I noticed that a lot of times a glitch will happen to a person 1 or 2 times and all of a sudden it’s a major glitch issue. Things like the AI guys running in front of your fire. I saw a guy run in front of me one time last night, but it was because he was moving to take cover. I don’t think he made a bad choice there. It’s up to me to stop shooting, and I did. I also noticed guys getting hung up trying to move by rocks or trees, or not getting into a vehicle right away. This didn’t annoy me at all and it happened when there was no action. There will other instances where guys didn’t move where I wanted them or didn’t hold fire when I told them. These AI glitches are very minor compared to all the things the AI Squad does well. They play smart and do what you order them to do. Not to mention, they will save your ass a lot more then you will save them.

          Those are the gripes that reviewers seemed to focus on and in my opinion they are not warranted. Expectations from this game don’t seem to matter to people who review it. It’s not like you don’t have all the info you need to have the proper expectations for this game. Re viewers know what they are getting, yet still expected it to be something it’s not.

          Presentation: Don’t expect any bells and whistles in this game. Its focus is on game play. There are no cut scenes or story mode going on. There is a intro to bring you up to date and that really it. You finish a mission and then get your orders for the next mission. This may bother people who like to see all kinds of cut scenes and story, but it’s not here. It’s all about war

          Graphics: The graphics are great and I had moments when I stopped to view the beauty of this game. You play at all times of the day and night and there are times when you see some things that look really sweet. The game has an incredible draw distance and if you’re in a spot that allows you to see far away, take a second to have a look. I was in a high valley that opened up into a large field and you could see as far as it would let you. But way off in the distance you could see a village. It really looked great and the draw distance allows for some great landscape views. Another one that made me stop and look was playing at night. We were running through a sparse forest and the brush on the ground was flowing around from the breeze and the glow from the moon all made this landscape look pretty dam nice. Don’t get me wrong, the graphics won’t blow you away like gears of war, but they are just as good as any other game. There is a lot of detail and I never once noticed a loss in frame rate.

          Sound: The sounds in this game are pretty fucking awesome. The guns, grenades, airstrikes, etc etc all sound great. It is really cool when you’re on the main island and your heading to your mission and way off in the distance you can hear the explosions from a beach that’s being bombarded. The sound effects are all done extremely well and give you the feeling that you’re in a war zone. The voice commands you hear are average. They work and do their job, but these are not impressive by any means. The mission briefings and the conversation going on is done very well and it all works as it should. But you squad guys sound kind of gay, but I guess that’s up to each player to decide if they think gays in the military is ok. Sound overall is excellent.

          Gameplay: HAHA, this is where the game really shine. And shine it does. Let me say it again, expectations! Don’t expect anything like COD gameplay. This game is about taking your time and being patient. Coming up with a strategy and trying to execute it. You will probably die trying to pull off your strategy, and then try a new strategy only to see the enemy is not following the same route they took when you got killed. This is why this game is so great. The CPU AI does not follow a specific pattern. No matter how many times you try to complete a mission, the AI will do things different every time. It’s awesome. They also are very very smart. The will flank and maneuver in order to take your team out. They will suppress fire and send 2 guys to the right flank and 2 more to the left flank all while you focus on who you see shooting at you. Then you die. They have grenade launchers and will use them. They use their cover and can be very difficult to take out. You have to be patient and wait for them to show themselves.
          The guns and firing work great. You will be able to be precise with your weapons, but don’t expect silly AI guys to run from cover to come and get you. They make moves that are smart and you will have to play smarter to win the battle. It’s almost trying to unlearn what you learned from FPS. Even R6 which was tactical is nothing like the realism you get from this game.

          There are ton of weapons and while reviews complained that you can’t not choose your weapons, they fail to mention that there are ammo crates to be found all over the place and these include new weapons and ammo that you can use. Plus you can take the weapons and ammo from enemies you killed. And let me tell you that there are some kick ass guns in this game. The M16 in this game is sweet. There is a marksmen gun I located which was awesome. I even found a Javelin and took out a tank. GOOD TIMES! The weapons will have things you would expect like nade launchers and all the scopes you would expect to see. But I only touched the surface with what I was able to find.
          You carry binoculars and they always come in handy when locating enemies. You also have a field pack to patch up your wounds. This is also extremely cool because you can get shot in various parts of the body and then start to bleed. If you don’t heal yourself you will die. But getting shot in the leg is great because when you patch yourself up you will not be able to run fast anymore. It’s really cool.
          Airstrikes are also a blast when you have them available. You don’t just hit a button to call it in either. You will select at least 5 different options when you have an airstrike available. These are all tactical choices that determine the effect of the strike.

          Vehicles are available. I had no trouble in the jeep type rides. They are easy to navigate. The helicopter, not so easy. I didn’t spend a lot of time trying to figure it out but the few times I tried as the pilot I crashed. So then I let the squad fly the thing and this was much better. You can call up the map and select a spot and they will fly it there. I did have a problem when I ordered them to land. One time they just took a nose dive into the ground and we blew up. Another time he hit a tree and we crashed. I never did successfully get the pilot to land the thing. The few times I thought I had a good spot to land I was taken out by a SAM….the fags! I came across some boats but didn’t have the option to use them.

          I played coop campaign last night too. This was a lot of fun because it gives you the same great experience as a SP without having to order around a squad of AI guys. Your team must work together or you will fail to complete all the objectives. We missed on a flanking move last night and I got pissed cause my teammates kept heading straight for the enemy. There was a friendly AI Squad and they told us they were flanking left. I kept saying we gotta flank right, but my idiot friends didn’t listen. But I flanked right but we still didn’t get the objective cause they didn’t. Funny thing about it was that when I flanked right there was an ambush up on the ridge, so I died. I didn’t play any MP yet.

          I played on normal difficulty level and it was hard. This is the one that gives all the hud options and multiple checkpoints to save (checkpoints are marked on the map and you can goto any one of them to save your game to reload there when u die). This level was very hard and like playing on the hardest COD difficulty.

          Bottom Line is for you to know what you’re getting from this game. It’s a very difficult, realistic and rewarding game. If you enjoy tactical shooters and creating and executing strategy then this game is for you. There are no cheesy deaths in this game, only cheesy decisions by you. Every time you die you will know that it was you who screwed up and not some lame cheese move that caused it. For me, I love it more than any other FPS SP mode. It’s an open world and you have a huge variety in the ways you can take it down. And the greatest thing about that it’s the enemy will play it different based on how you play it. This is a game for people who like to think and dont want to follow a pre set path. Im sitting here today thinking about how to beat this mission from last night. Pretty sweet!

          My Score: 9.0
          Last edited by Maynard; 10-09-2009, 09:24 AM.


          • Virix
            I see you
            • Nov 2008
            • 3308

            I saw you playing last night, I was hoping you would post some impressions. You are gonna make me get this game, as I was already on the fence about it.


            • Maynard
              stupid ass titles
              • Feb 2009
              • 17875

              one thing i forgot to mention is the steep learning curve. Those menus of commands and the controls of the vehicles are gonna take a bit of time to learn. there are controls for driving, piloting, being a gunner or a commander in the vehicles. Then you have your ground controls. Some of the ground controls you have to figure out for yourself. Like giving each of your 3 squad mates individual commands is kind of tricky to figure out.

              they have a tutorial that is intergrated into the first mission. Its not very in depth. It gives you some basic control options to do and thats about it. You also have to listen very closely to what the mission commander is telling you to do. Not only do they tell you what your squad is doing, but they also tell you what your ally squads are doing.

              That first mission takes place off of the main island. Its on a tiny island located to the SE of the main island and this is a good place to learn alot about the game controls. Aside from the objectives you will come across small enemy squads that you can use to practice manuvers and stuff like that.

              for the most part though, its alot of trial and error and you should expect to die alot. i havnt mastered the controls at all, but i have a good grasp on them now and while there is alot to learn and will feel overwhelming at first, just give it some time to soak in and you will be fine

              also, the difficulties are normal, experienced and hardcore.
              normal is full hud, checkpoints and respawns. Experienced is less hud, few checkpoints and no respawns. Hardcore is no checkpoints, no hud, no respawns.

              I only played normal, but my understanding is that the higher difficulties do not make the enemy any harder or bullet damage any more effective. Those higher difficulties only take away from your hud, checkpoints and spawns. The game is really hard on normal. Take away the hud and i imagine it would be crazy hard
              Last edited by Maynard; 10-09-2009, 10:16 AM.


              • Boucher
                King of EDM
                • Jul 2009
                • 3733

                Bought the game today, started with the MP. Played with some cool guys, we were running the show against the other team


                • Steel Mamba
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 2549

                  I have this on the PC and I must say that it's the best FPS that I've played since Project Reality. It shits on CoD IMO, but to be fair they're two entirely different games and I'm not a fan of arcade shooters. However I am thinking about buying a console, again, to get this and Forza 2 once that's out. No one uses teamwork or mics on the PC, which makes this type of game less enjoyable. Hows that aspect of it on the console?


                  • Maynard
                    stupid ass titles
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 17875

                    found a bit of info about the bonus codes and missions, which are found on a second page of the SP menu (I think it was highlight the campaign portion and scroll right)...

                    Encampment code OFPWEB1

                    Controlling a Spec Ops team, this FTE tasks players with ambushing a PLA campsite in the dead of night.

                    Set in a heavily forested area, players must move cautiously between tree cover, with the PLA fanning out and trying to flank at every opportunity. A fierce and atmospheric firefight, mixing long-range marksmen shooting and close quarters combat around the campsites.

                    Debris Field code OFPWEB2

                    Set amongst the vehicle wrecks from an earlier battle players must lead their fire team through the strewn vehicle wreckage, seeking cover wherever they can, and engage superior numbers of PLA forces assaulting their position.

                    The player must work with their fire team to ensure that the large numbers of PLA don’t flank them at any time, stay mobile and use fully automatic weapons, grenades and grenade launchers to suppress the enemy at every opportunity.

                    Night Raid code RaidT18Z

                    Players take control of a Spec Ops team, assaulting PLA units defending a key infrastructure asset on the Island. Using night vision, giving the player’s fire team better visual range than the PLA defenders, players can choose whether to move slowly and stealthily, at the risk of the location being reinforced, or “go loud” and move quickly, but blowing the cover of night.

                    Coastal Stronghold code StrongM577

                    Players assume control of an infantry fire team, raiding a key PLA coastal defensive position. Once the PLA defenders have been eliminated, the player will have to organize their fire team to hold the location from PLA counter attacks, improvising defensive positions and using any fixed weapons they can find to tip the balance in their favor.

                    Ambush code AmbushU454

                    Surrounded and outgunned, players control a lone infantry fire team, tasked with holding a village against waves of PLA attackers. With the PLA assaulting from 360 degrees, players must use their fire team to cover all the directions, using defensive cover offered by the village to hold off the attacking force. Players will use building defensive positions, fan their fire team out among st the village and constantly position their fire team to offer optimal protection against the attacking PAL force.

                    Close Quarters code CloseQ8M3

                    A bold daytime raid on a village, the players assume control of an infantry fire team tasked with flushing the PAL out of a village location. The PLA are already dug into strong defensive positions, and reinforcements will be on their way, so players must move swiftly to eliminate the PLA inside the village before holding off reinforcement waves from within the village. Using CBQ weaponry, grenade launchers and anti-vehicle weapons, this is a fast-paced and intensive FTE featuring building destruction and close quarters combat.


                    • Twigg4075
                      Kindergarten Cop
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 20056

                      You may have also sold me on this game Maynard.


                      • Maynard
                        stupid ass titles
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 17875

                        i played thru the first mission again last night....i was taking out a SAM site and there was a tank guarding the area along with a bunch of enemy ground troops. There is also a bunch of enemies up on the hills guarding before you get to the area. so after we took them out we had the hills secured above the site. I sent my squad to flank to the right up high and had them wait while i snuck down the hill to the left of the site.

                        i was basically down on the lower left of the site while my troops were up high and to the right of the area. I had them suppress fire to draw the enemies to focus on them. I took out the javelin and nailed that tank from 300 meters out. After the tank was out my troops assaulted the site and i flanked behind the enemies and we took those bastards out and blew up the SAM. It was cool.

                        i was trying to get into the area with the helicopter before but gave up on that cause the SAM missiles would just blast me out of the sky

                        i did this mission 3 times now and each time i went to this area the enemies would do do something different. Like the 2nd time when we were trying to take out the guys on the hill before the site. Those dicks flanked to our right without me noticing and snuck right up on us and killed all of us

                        this game is a blast cause you get so sucked in to what your doing. In the first mission there are 5 objectives. I had to complete 3 of them last night and it took about 2 hours to do it. I didnt die at all last night and i was so focused on what i was doing that the 2 hrs just flew by. And i have a great feel for the menus now and where the various commands are. I just keep playing parts of the first mission over because i am practicing the different maneuvers before i move on. I have been hearing that the game gets really really hard as you go.....yikes


                        • Sven Draconian
                          Not a Scandanavian
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 1319

                          I wish this game had a better tutorial. I'd like to be able to seperate my guys (2 groups of 2) so I could flank a little better. .

                          I'm stuck on the securing hte beachhead mission. I took out the mortar spotters on the hill, but I can't get into the village to kill the SAM sites. I've tried atleast 4 different strategies so far to no avail. My last try I finally got into a good position, cleared by path and had a nice flanking manoveur set...but then time expired.


                          • Boucher
                            King of EDM
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 3733

                            Originally posted by Steel Mamba
                            I have this on the PC and I must say that it's the best FPS that I've played since Project Reality. It shits on CoD IMO, but to be fair they're two entirely different games and I'm not a fan of arcade shooters. However I am thinking about buying a console, again, to get this and Forza 2 once that's out. No one uses teamwork or mics on the PC, which makes this type of game less enjoyable. Hows that aspect of it on the console?
                            I played ten games online yesterday and everyone had mics (minus 1-2) which helped. There was no on running and gunning everyone took it slow followed orders and helped each other out. It was a blast


                            • Maynard
                              stupid ass titles
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 17875

                              Originally posted by Sven Draconian
                              I wish this game had a better tutorial. I'd like to be able to seperate my guys (2 groups of 2) so I could flank a little better. .

                              I'm stuck on the securing hte beachhead mission. I took out the mortar spotters on the hill, but I can't get into the village to kill the SAM sites. I've tried atleast 4 different strategies so far to no avail. My last try I finally got into a good position, cleared by path and had a nice flanking manoveur set...but then time expired.
                              For 360.....Hold RB to bring up orders. In the upper left you see icons for your 4 squad guys. Highlight (for example) the #2 guy and hit A then highlight the #3 guys and hit A.

                              Then move the right stick to put the circle in the area you want them to go and then select the flank option right or left. They will flank to the left or right of where you placed the circle.

                              You can also do this from the map view. When on the map Hold RB to bring up orders. In the upper left you see icons for your 4 squad guys. With the left stick, highlight (for example) the #2 guy and hit A then highlight the #3 guys and hit A.

                              Then move the right stick to the area of the map you want them to flank....again hit right or left......not the 2 guys u chose will go to that assigned area.

                              now to over ride this will take some trial and error. U hold RB and then highlight and select the guys you want, but you can also move the left stick right and left and you will see the 4 icons being highlights and then not highlighted.

                              the tutorial needs help like u said....i didnt look at the book at all to see if it has any info


                              • Sven Draconian
                                Not a Scandanavian
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 1319

                                Maynard did you grab this for 360?

                                If so add me (SvenDraconian43)

