[ame="http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14270629/madden-nfl-2010/videos/madden10_gmp_superstarmode_8409.html"]IGN Video: Madden NFL 10 Xbox 360 Gameplay - Superstar Mode@@AMEPARAM@@flashvars='object_ID=14270629&downloadURL=http://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/101/1010709/madden10_gmp_superstarmode_8409_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking=@@AMEPARAM@@object@@AMEPARAM@@1427 0629@@AMEPARAM@@xbox360movies@@AMEPARAM@@xbox360@@ AMEPARAM@@101/1010709@@AMEPARAM@@madden10_gmp_superstarmode_8409 _flvlowwide[/ame]
This mode is painfully addicting to me. Looks like it flows quicker without as many retarded popups.
P.S. This is an IGN video so no surprise they have a clueless fuckhead with the controller in his hands. Hold Sprint and run into defenders for pretty much the whole video. :shot:
This mode is painfully addicting to me. Looks like it flows quicker without as many retarded popups.
P.S. This is an IGN video so no surprise they have a clueless fuckhead with the controller in his hands. Hold Sprint and run into defenders for pretty much the whole video. :shot: