The Arcade Random Thoughts Thread

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  • SethMode
    Master of Mysticism
    • Feb 2009
    • 5754

    Originally posted by KNUBB
    The Kinect is bullshit. It's bullshit to take away from hardcore gaming. It is bullshit in how much in costs and its bullshit it doesn't read me.
    Fair enough haha. I agree for the most part, I just think that the technology is pretty cool and could be something great and meaningful. But that doesn't really matter because MS only wants it for stupid (and bad) games to begin with.

    And hardcore gaming is a myth. And a stupid term.


    • Primetime
      Thank You Prince
      • Nov 2008
      • 17526

      Borderlands 2
      Halo 4
      Black Ops 2

      That's a shit load of gaming in Q4. Looks like I better get some extra hours in at work this summer.


      • Twigg4075
        Kindergarten Cop
        • Feb 2009
        • 20056

        Originally posted by SethMode
        I don't think that it's fair to call Kinect bullshit, I just think that it's fair to say that what MS is doing with it is bullshit.

        The Vita perplexes me. What is the point of it outside of Japan?

        The point? You can play console quality games on the go. What other point do you need?


        • Twigg4075
          Kindergarten Cop
          • Feb 2009
          • 20056

          Originally posted by Primetime
          Borderlands 2
          Halo 4
          Black Ops 2

          That's a shit load of gaming in Q4. Looks like I better get some extra hours in at work this summer.
          Like Pad pointed out, as I should have been more specific, Borderlands is actually a Q3 game. It comes out in September.


          • IamMedellin
            Everything Burns...
            • Nov 2008
            • 10910

            Originally posted by SethMode

            The Vita perplexes me. What is the point of it outside of Japan?
            Originally posted by SethMode
            And hardcore gaming is a myth. And a stupid term.
            Hardcore gaming is the only thing keeping handheld gaming relevant, the Vita and the 3DS provide a gaming experience on the go that only "hardcore" gamers are actually looking for, the handheld gaming market is a fraction of what it was bc the casual portion gets their gaming fix from their smart phones now.

            Hardcore gamers are the reason there are midnight releases and pre-order incentives, hardcore gamers are the reason Fighting Game Expos exist...

            Hardcore gamers have clans, know MK combos like their SS#, and can tell you their gamerscore/trophy count at a moments notice...

            casual gamers play games once in a while and will pickup a game once in a while...

            both ends of the spectrum and everything in btwn, to own a vita u gotta be a lil hardcore


            • SethMode
              Master of Mysticism
              • Feb 2009
              • 5754

              I understand it's portable gaming, I just don't really "get" portable gaming in America. Japan it makes sense, everyone rides mass transit and usually for long periods of time. Even when I used to take the bus here, it was only for 10 minutes, which was never enough time to consider playing a game. And at the price of the Vita I just don't really understand it.

              And the Kinect point is most definitely not semantics. That technology is pretty awesome, it's just being used to make games that are silly time wasters. The difference between that and say, the Wii, is that the Wii technology is pretty much shit AND it was being used to mostly make games that are silly time wasters.

              As far as hardcore gaming is concerned, maybe I shouldn't have called it a myth, but it is a stupid term that only serves to further divide people like terms like "fanboy" or "xbot" and the like. Just not something that I see as necessary.


              • Twigg4075
                Kindergarten Cop
                • Feb 2009
                • 20056

                Originally posted by padman59
                With all these games getting pushed back into next year, what is still left for Q4 2012? Dishonored?
                What about XCOM? That was just given an October 9th release date as of today.


                • Primetime
                  Thank You Prince
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 17526

                  Originally posted by Twigg4075
                  Like Pad pointed out, as I should have been more specific, Borderlands is actually a Q3 game. It comes out in September.
                  I'll be playing in through Q4 though so it still counts

                  I've decided my only goal with the Vita is to get more gold trophies than Twigg. Only 91 to go.


                  • Twigg4075
                    Kindergarten Cop
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 20056

                    Originally posted by Primetime

                    I've decided my only goal with the Vita is to get more gold trophies than Twigg. Only 91 to go.
                    Fuck that!

                    *fires up Vita*


                    • Buzzman
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 6659

                      Originally posted by Twigg4075
                      What about XCOM? That was just given an October 9th release date as of today.
                      Didn't they change it to a RTS game?


                      • JayDizzle
                        Let's Go All The Way...
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 14214

                        Originally posted by Buzzman
                        Didn't they change it to a RTS game?
                        There's two X-Com games coming out.

                        One's a shooter (XCOM) and the other's a revival for the RTS series (XCOM: Enemy Unknown).

                        Both are being done through 2K Games (the shooter through 2K Marin, the guys behind Bioshock 2 plus other studios in the 2K line; the RTS done with the support of Firaxis Games).

                        I thought the RTS looked cooler myself:


                        But both are pretty rad in their own right:



                        • IamMedellin
                          Everything Burns...
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 10910

                          Originally posted by SethMode
                          I understand it's portable gaming, I just don't really "get" portable gaming in America. Japan it makes sense, everyone rides mass transit and usually for long periods of time. Even when I used to take the bus here, it was only for 10 minutes, which was never enough time to consider playing a game. And at the price of the Vita I just don't really understand it.

                          It doesnt make sense from your perspective, some ppl in the US have long commutes to work, particularly in cities like Newyork, wish I had a vita when I was waiting for 4 hrs at the DMV, PPl that have jobs with a lot of downtime like twigg n other rent a cops, some ppl inbtwn classes, etc

                          And the Kinect point is most definitely not semantics. That technology is pretty awesome, it's just being used to make games that are silly time wasters. The difference between that and say, the Wii, is that the Wii technology is pretty much shit AND it was being used to mostly make games that are silly time wasters.

                          It actually is pretty cool tech, but the only ones to get something useful out of the tech have almost nothing to do with gaming....[ex:]

                          As far as hardcore gaming is concerned, maybe I shouldn't have called it a myth, but it is a stupid term that only serves to further divide people like terms like "fanboy" or "xbot" and the like. Just not something that I see as necessary.
                          It is the single most perplexing thing to me...Brand loyalty; there are ppl who champion Their single console as if they have a real stake in this "console war", we've all met them...we know some.....they even exist on this site...theyre the reason these terms exist....


                          • IamMedellin
                            Everything Burns...
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 10910

                            Med's still Playin inFamous 2

                            decisions are tough...

                            I mean we got the Asian Ice queen on one side n a hot drk skin on the other....gee I wonder who tha God is gonna pick

                            Ima be real, Cole is only as good as the world around him allows him to be, I mean he's out there healing the sick n spreadin his Thor molecules for the greater good n how Do the masses repay him?
                            they throw rocks, they protest, they get in his muthafukin way when he's deliverin the Ionic Twister on some inbreds...I mean..yo if you see a fukin tornado shootin electricity, u better run ur ass off...if u juss gonna freeze n watch...u deserve to die, real tlk...

                            The Beast is less then 400 miles away n the inFamous still isn't 100%..

                            Maybe swappin fluids with the Voodoo queen will fix that...

                            stay tuned....


                            • Twigg4075
                              Kindergarten Cop
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 20056

                              I'm not sure where Med posted that he wanted to play Uc2 online but I'm fucking down.


                              • Swarley
                                A Special Kind of Cat
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 11213

                                Originally posted by Twigg4075
                                I'm not sure where Med posted that he wanted to play Uc2 online but I'm fucking down.
                                It was on Twitter, and I would be down as well.

