Well, I always come up with ideas to improve the game and they just fly over my head. I would like to collectively gather these ideas in a thread.
-Too many chain gangs
-Playclock keeps running after an incomplete pass
-Fix real weather system
-Fix the Curls/Flats
-More User control: I dunno about others but while playing as a defensive player, sometimes im unable to do anything to stop the play. Swats, picks, etc. I can be in perfect position looking in the direction of the ball and nothing will happen.
-Better passing: Timing based passing, better ball trajectory, more arc, etc. Im tired of throwing the ball to someone open 10 yards down field only to see it picked or deflected by someone who has no business making a play.
-More catch animations: Dont want to see the over the shoulder, looking away from the ball catch anymore. I dont want my player to slow down either. Why cant they just catch the ball in stride?
-Better blocking: Pretty self explanatory there. I dont wanna see Guards and Centers go straight for a linebacker when the nose guard is head up on em, or Tackles and Guards spin around and not block anything on pass plays.
-Pro Tack: I like it but that animation where the runner sheds 3 people and your other defenders become useless needs to go. That shit is ridiculous. The only way i would want to keep that in is if they made double hits a option.
-Running Animation: Needs work, 10>06-09 but it still needs tweaking.
-Ability to catch missed field goal NOT in fg block return
Online Franchise
-Salary cap/contracts
-Ability to play with updated rosters
-Post Season stats
-Pro Bowl honors
-Awards such as MVP, Comeback Player, Offensive Rookie of the Year, DROY, etc...
-Hide ratings for rookies: By the forth round theres nothing but 60-50 ovr left. But with the internets it would still be hard to draft the gems.
-Edit players: In OF if i wanna change a players equipment i should be able to.
-Trade Draft picks
-During the game, show current statistics the players have for the season. Ex: When showing warmups, show how many TD's Matt Stafford has for the current franchise season.
-Why is when the game is supersimmed they play with default set depth chart? And when the game is simmed the simmed game does not use your depth chart.
-Full capture replay similar to Halo 3. Ability to save and share highlights more efficiently. We need more ways to capture a play--the set replay formats like "broadcast" and "sidelines" suck.
-ESPN/FOX/CBS for broadcast-like experience
More TV presentation: Show close ups of players with their stat banner, show teams records and during the latter part of the season, show the playoff picture, Show the injury report, starting lineups, Situational stats.
-More emotion: More players talking to each other, more excitement from the crowd and the players after a big play. Players need to be celebrating with each other after a big play, not just walking by each other with their hands in the air.
-Better Commentary: No emotion.
-You should be able to see your opponents record and have access to their whole profile when they challenge you. I hate it when I get a challenge from someone and they have all ready "readied up" and I cannot see their record. It's incredibly annoying
Offline Franchise
-Improve on "The Extra Point"
-Better free agent talks
-Better draft presentation
-Basically, keep the progress towards making Madden offline franchise exactly like NFL Head Coach.
Online Setup
-Ability to watch people's games
-Too many chain gangs
-Playclock keeps running after an incomplete pass
-Fix real weather system
-Fix the Curls/Flats
-More User control: I dunno about others but while playing as a defensive player, sometimes im unable to do anything to stop the play. Swats, picks, etc. I can be in perfect position looking in the direction of the ball and nothing will happen.
-Better passing: Timing based passing, better ball trajectory, more arc, etc. Im tired of throwing the ball to someone open 10 yards down field only to see it picked or deflected by someone who has no business making a play.
-More catch animations: Dont want to see the over the shoulder, looking away from the ball catch anymore. I dont want my player to slow down either. Why cant they just catch the ball in stride?
-Better blocking: Pretty self explanatory there. I dont wanna see Guards and Centers go straight for a linebacker when the nose guard is head up on em, or Tackles and Guards spin around and not block anything on pass plays.
-Pro Tack: I like it but that animation where the runner sheds 3 people and your other defenders become useless needs to go. That shit is ridiculous. The only way i would want to keep that in is if they made double hits a option.
-Running Animation: Needs work, 10>06-09 but it still needs tweaking.
-Ability to catch missed field goal NOT in fg block return
Online Franchise
-Salary cap/contracts
-Ability to play with updated rosters
-Post Season stats
-Pro Bowl honors
-Awards such as MVP, Comeback Player, Offensive Rookie of the Year, DROY, etc...
-Hide ratings for rookies: By the forth round theres nothing but 60-50 ovr left. But with the internets it would still be hard to draft the gems.
-Edit players: In OF if i wanna change a players equipment i should be able to.
-Trade Draft picks
-During the game, show current statistics the players have for the season. Ex: When showing warmups, show how many TD's Matt Stafford has for the current franchise season.
-Why is when the game is supersimmed they play with default set depth chart? And when the game is simmed the simmed game does not use your depth chart.
-Full capture replay similar to Halo 3. Ability to save and share highlights more efficiently. We need more ways to capture a play--the set replay formats like "broadcast" and "sidelines" suck.
-ESPN/FOX/CBS for broadcast-like experience
More TV presentation: Show close ups of players with their stat banner, show teams records and during the latter part of the season, show the playoff picture, Show the injury report, starting lineups, Situational stats.
-More emotion: More players talking to each other, more excitement from the crowd and the players after a big play. Players need to be celebrating with each other after a big play, not just walking by each other with their hands in the air.
-Better Commentary: No emotion.
-You should be able to see your opponents record and have access to their whole profile when they challenge you. I hate it when I get a challenge from someone and they have all ready "readied up" and I cannot see their record. It's incredibly annoying
Offline Franchise
-Improve on "The Extra Point"
-Better free agent talks
-Better draft presentation
-Basically, keep the progress towards making Madden offline franchise exactly like NFL Head Coach.
Online Setup
-Ability to watch people's games