Justo & houtz, if you can commit to finishing and not lose interest we have two slots left. I'm keeping this small and manageable so no bullshit. We want to finish. If you feel like time will be an issue or you have madden commitments, think about passing. Otherwise, give me the word, and I'll invite you.
You will get the W no matter what, you won. If you guys want to replay for the stats, be my guest, if not I'll resolve it.Comment
Anyone who quit TGS on my watch, or drops from this will be banned from future TGS or sony hosted vsn leagues. We can't have another TGS fiasco next year.Comment
Its three 3 game series vs division opponents, two 3 game series vs non diviison. So 51 games if we have 8 teams.
Its 12 games per 7 day period, but its not on auto resolve so that isn't firm.Comment
It's a houtz sighting! Sign his ass up. I want to beat him with his favorite team.
Although winning with the Pirates and their wiffle ball bats is certainly a tougher chore than with the offensive juggernauts know as the Rays. But the games are way more fun.Comment
I think the best thing to do next year is start a small league with the rock solid guys. The wait list/member ratio has to be in favor of the membership. Otherwise, you end up letting guys in out of desperation. With 30 teams, I was basically not turning anyone down when we were fighting to stay alive, because we simply needed to fill the spots.
And I have a loooooong memory. When the new game drops, and those quitters come out of the woodwork, I will remember. There are guys who will never play in any league I have any sort of power in again. I rather run a 6 team, tight group like the one now, then have 20+ teams of guys who lose interest and need to be chased.
What really sucks, is between TGS & Sportdawgz there were definately 30 really hardcore dedicated guys who loved the game. The problem, was the SD guys were mostly complainers and bitched & moaned about everything...thorwing strikes, early steal, strike zone, etc etc. A merge would have failed because the TGS guys were too laid back to deal with the SD drama.Comment
Then just sim the game in his favor and lets play our other game rudi.Comment
Cmon fuckers, get you games in. We kept this small for a reason.
I'll be around tonight, looking for archer, buccfan, stealthComment