Is anyone getting this? I'm thinking of pre-ordering it from Newegg because they have it for $47. The only problem is I never beat the first one. It got so frustrating with the lack of save points and trying to save the dumbest NPC's in the history of gaming. I guess if I pre-ordered it I would have a reason to pop it back in and give it another go.
FYI, Case Zero is coming out for 360 (exclusive) this month. For those that don't know it's a downloadable prequel. The most surprising thing about it is the price, only $5 (400 points).
I'm pretty shocked to say the least considering Capcom charged an ass load of money for SF4 costumes and $5 for a multiplayer add-on for RE5 that was already on the disc.
FYI, Case Zero is coming out for 360 (exclusive) this month. For those that don't know it's a downloadable prequel. The most surprising thing about it is the price, only $5 (400 points).
I'm pretty shocked to say the least considering Capcom charged an ass load of money for SF4 costumes and $5 for a multiplayer add-on for RE5 that was already on the disc.