Official Killzone 3 Thread
I was more tempted to go out and get this when I saw Cliffy B asking for people on Twitter to send him pics of themselves waiting in line for any GS Bulletstorm midnight release. I would fucking love to take a pic of myself holding KZ3 with the caption "The only game worth waiting in line for on Feb. 22nd.":eviltongue:Comment
It's not a chick car, plus it gets great gas mileage which is a necessity for how much driving I do for my job. Goddamn snow has my UPS shipment delayed...but it's done snowing so it shouldn't be much of an issue.Comment
I can't understand why anyone still goes to Midnight Releases in bad weather anymore...
It's cold, rainy, a combo of the two AND you have to awkwardly sit in line with random strangers who could be doing something better with their time as well.
Enjoy your game today gentlemen, hope it was worth being under the threat of being robbed/stabbed/raped while others were safely asleep in their beds at home.Comment
Just picked up K3 and I'm home sick with an abscess tooth. Good thing the doc just prescribed me Vicodin.Comment
Stupid UPS delayed my delivery until tomorrow because of the snow...bullshit the roads aren't bad at all.Comment
QuietStorm-757 is my GT for the guys that have the game.Comment