Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  • Bigpapa42
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 3185

    Haven't decided if I'm gonna marry any ladies... or men, I suppose. The one who has my eye right now is Sapphire with the Thieves Guild. Because her story is sad and she has a stripper's name. That's a combination you can't beat.

    Just got my Smithing up to 100. Should have kept track of how many iron daggers I made to get there... Next time I level I can grab the Dragon armor perk and start making myself some rocking dragon scale armor. Unfortunately, I've only figured out a few enchantments and they mostly suck.


    • Chrispy
      Needs a hobby
      • Dec 2008
      • 11403

      Originally posted by Bigpapa42
      Haven't decided if I'm gonna marry any ladies... or men, I suppose. The one who has my eye right now is Sapphire with the Thieves Guild. Because her story is sad and she has a stripper's name. That's a combination you can't beat.

      Just got my Smithing up to 100. Should have kept track of how many iron daggers I made to get there... Next time I level I can grab the Dragon armor perk and start making myself some rocking dragon scale armor. Unfortunately, I've only figured out a few enchantments and they mostly suck.


      • Champ
        Needs a hobby
        • Oct 2008
        • 14424

        I have yet to figure out enchantments.


        • Rylo
          Corpse Disgracer
          • Oct 2008
          • 5666

          Same ^.


          • Diivox
            It's the other way.
            • Apr 2009
            • 1773

            Originally posted by Chubby Giangio
            I have yet to figure out enchantments.
            pretty easy

            you disenchant something to learn the spell effect, so like

            -destruction mana cost + increase regen
            or like
            -damage stamina and health

            just take some magic weapons and disenchant them. you'll find you'll quickly run out of shit to disenchant.


            below the break is 3 categories

            soul gem

            the item is what you're putting it on, the soul gem is effectively the quality of the enchantment - better soul gems = better enchants. you can also scale the powers. for example. if you want a dagger that does 1 hp fire damage, you can have like 100 charges of it. if you want it to do 100 fire damage, with the same soul gem, you'll only get 1 charge on it.

            you fill soul gems by either casting soul trap on a bad guy with a soul gem in your inventory and then killing him or using one of the billion weapons you'll find that do it automatically when you kill someone with it. im a spellcaster. so i have to cast the spell.

            Master difficulty would be unplayable for me if i was not able to disenchant mage robes and apply the reduction in mana cost/recharge time to heavy armor.

            NOW, if you REALLY want to break the game (I refuse to do this myself, cheapens the experience)

            Enchant some clothes that have +% potency to alchemy. then, go mix yourself up some potions that have +% to enchanting. drink the potion, enchant yourself an even more powerful piece of armor with your drugged up skills to boost your alchemy even further. go back and forth. find yourself with -100% mana cost destruction spells in just a couple of trips between the two stations.

            the best thing about Bethesda is they really don't care about their game balance. if you want to break the game with shit like that, go right ahead, its your sandbox. if you dont want to touch enchanting at all and just wear shit you find, you can do that too. you scale your own difficulty that way, because, really, who gives a shit? it's a single player game, play how you want. I want to feel like I played it the "right" way so I can put this fucking game to bed by the time Star Wars: TOR comes out :P


            • mgoblue2290
              Posts too much
              • Feb 2009
              • 7174

              Sounds complicated. I'll just continue swinging my axe wildly.


              • Bear Pand
                RIP Indy Colts
                • Feb 2009
                • 5945

                Originally posted by Bigpapa42
                Haven't decided if I'm gonna marry any ladies... or men, I suppose.
                Accidently left an item on and my male companion started hitting on me. SMH at politcally correct games where every NPC is bisexual.


                • JBregz
                  Follow me! @JBregzz
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3837

                  What are you guys doing to collect money? I heard wood cutting and mining is good?

                  Follow me on twitter @JBregzz
                  Follow me on twitch bitch http://www.twitch.tv/jbregz/
                  Redskins TGT Scheduling Thread http://www.virtualsportsnetwork.com/...eduling-Thread


                  • Fappin Raptor
                    I literally know nothing.
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 6737

                    Originally posted by Josh
                    What are you guys doing to collect money? I heard wood cutting and mining is good?
                    Smithing dragon stuff and then upgrading it can bank me 5k every time.


                    • Fappin Raptor
                      I literally know nothing.
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 6737

                      The farther I get into this game the more weird shit keeps happening. Like the dead Sven that showed up to my wedding or just now I passed a tree that was growing a dead dragon out of it (not the boney dragon).


                      • Bigpapa42
                        Junior Member
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 3185

                        Originally posted by Bear Pand
                        Accidently left an item on and my male companion started hitting on me. SMH at politcally correct games where every NPC is bisexual.
                        I think its the amulet of Diabella that does it. I'm always amused by games where you can get hit on my either sex and it seems even funnier in this one, given that I can't imagine homosexual relationships would be too accepted by the in-game culture which seems pretty racist.

                        I need to play as a female character at some point, just so I can get myself a wife and become a lesbian.


                        • riley420
                          You're goddamned right.
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 2331

                          Originally posted by TeflonDonny
                          I just learned something very interesting. Followers don't level with you once you use someone as a follower or marry them they are stuck at that level forever. I've been running with Jenassa since around lvl 20 and she gets her brains beat in now and I couldn't figure out why. I read that if you switch to a brand new follower they will join you at your current level but still wont improve. The exceptions are the Dark Brotherhood Initiates. They will gain levels as you do.
                          Originally posted by Maynard
                          i was just looking into this tonight since my follower has been with me since like level 10. but the way i read it on the wiki was that the level you are when you unlock them as a follower is the level they maintain. your saying its from the 1st time you select them as a follower.

                          i hope your way is right....let me know if you come across anything or where you got your info from
                          I've been using the chick from the Azura quest. She's a badass mage now wearing Blades armor. I really haven't noticed her being a lower level than I, but then again, I supply her with great equipment. She knows higher level spells than I do, so I'm guessing she's around my level.

                          Where do you find out what level your follower is?


                          • Bigpapa42
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 3185

                            I finally managed to craft my first set of dragon armor. Went with Dragon Scale as I sadly have no skill with Heavy Armor (made no sense with an archery/sneaky bastard). Shit looks badass. Especially when I'm wearing the Molokoi mask. I've found myself using the over-the-shoulder view just to admire the badassery. Now I just need a few worthwhile enchantments to really round it out slash break the game.

                            I just did the quest where I had to get the Staff of Whateverthefuck from Labrynthia. That was a bastard with my first character. Not so much this time around. Taking down the bone dragon was tough to do head on. Easy as hell sneaking. I just moved in a slow circle around the dragon and his cronies, picking them off one by one with arrows. Finished them off then picked my arrows up, thank you very much.

                            Some of the bugs in the game leave me laughing. I just got delivered a letter by a courier with nothing but a loin cloth on. Good thing its not winter and snowing... oh wait...


                            • Maynard
                              stupid ass titles
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 17875

                              Originally posted by riley420
                              I've been using the chick from the Azura quest. She's a badass mage now wearing Blades armor. I really haven't noticed her being a lower level than I, but then again, I supply her with great equipment. She knows higher level spells than I do, so I'm guessing she's around my level.

                              Where do you find out what level your follower is?
                              i grabbed her last night. she is alot better then the guy i wa running with. she used the fire atriarch and i have the duel conjure perk. So i launch 2 demora lords and she launches her fire atriarch...plus me and her and its always 5 of us vs whoever.....i just stand back and fire ice spears and heal azura

                              there is no real way to know what level the follower is. i read in the wiki the following

                              Follower Stats

                              A follower's stats are determined based on the level the player is at when he or she first enters the zone that the follower is in. Once generated, the follower's stats do not increase at all. For example, Lydia is usually one of the first followers players will have access to, and most players receive her at a lower level. As such, most players' Lydias will have low stats for the entire game.

                              just completed the thieves guild quests. pretty cool story....nice rewards too

                              too bad the reward didnt include banging nocturnal


                              • Champ
                                Needs a hobby
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 14424

                                I use that chick to.
                                Question about the game don't click if you don't want shit to get ruined I guess.


                                Once I beat the final dragon is the game over?

