I want to get all the activities done but holy shit i fucking hate snatch and trafficking. Those are the most boring missions in the world.
Saints Row The Third
It's been the heli assault that's been pissing me off. Maybe I'm doing them wrong, but the contact always fucking causes me problems by driving where i'm shooting.Comment
STAG doesn't officially show up until after...
SPOILER'd for those who haven't played or aren't that far yet:
...Killbane blows up the Stilwater Memorial Bridge
...before that, the game just sics the National Guard on you with .50 Cal MG Humvees and 'Challenger' Tanks.
After the end mission(s), the game reverts back to this state.Comment
Also, look into either stealing a tank or buying the Homie bonus that calls one in for you.
Nothing finishes a fight early like a tank.Comment
I beat the game, am at level 49. I'm at that point now, but it sucked up until then.Comment
There was a point that I just started calling in tanks/suped-up cars to avoid that red laser.
If I couldn't do that, I just used my Gang/Police Forgiveness Perk a lot.
It's technically cheating but you can only take seeing a burning hulk that you're behind the wheel of so many times before you just say fuck it.Comment
I hear ya.
There was a point that I just started calling in tanks/suped-up cars to avoid that red laser.
If I couldn't do that, I just used my Gang/Police Forgiveness Perk a lot.
It's technically cheating but you can only take seeing a burning hulk that you're behind the wheel of so many times before you just say fuck it.Comment
Originally posted by Tailback UIt won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.Comment
I waited until after the game was over to get the collectibles. What I did was take over all of the areas before moving with the storyline. So once I got to the section where STAG enters, I had control of every region minus the Strongholds.Comment
BTW i went to Chick Fil A on the way to Annapolis mall last Saturday. When the lady at the drivethru was giving my order i kept saying Thomas and she thought i was retarded or something.
Originally posted by Tailback UIt won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.Comment
I haven't beaten the story yet. I'm trying to get as much done as possible before progressing.
BTW i went to Chick Fil A on the way to Annapolis mall last Saturday. When the lady at the drivethru was giving my order i kept saying Thomas and she thought i was retarded or something.Comment