Saints Row The Third
Shit went from ECW/CZW territory to WTF-Land in a hurry and it's a lovely trip.Comment
Originally posted by Tailback UIt won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.Comment
So what's the deal with the different "endings" for the Acts? I noticed in the cheevos list it looks like with at least Act 1 and Act 3 (maybe more) there are alternating cheevos depending on a decision you make? Do I need to make sure I save before certain missions to do both?
Also, how do you get the nut shot AND testicle shot cheevo? I've only ever seen the nut shot pop up.
I've encountered some weird glitches which I guess are somewhat expected in an open world game like this. Some are just frustrating, like Dukes of Hazard-ing into a car and then all of a sudden I'm dead. Or having my character reload every time I get shot by a helicopter sniper, causing a loop that I can't get out of because the reload animation takes longer then the shots by the sniper. Or trying to take over a gang hideout that just keeps respawning enemies.Comment
So what's the deal with the different "endings" for the Acts? I noticed in the cheevos list it looks like with at least Act 1 and Act 3 (maybe more) there are alternating cheevos depending on a decision you make? Do I need to make sure I save before certain missions to do both?
Also, how do you get the nut shot AND testicle shot cheevo? I've only ever seen the nut shot pop up.
I've encountered some weird glitches which I guess are somewhat expected in an open world game like this. Some are just frustrating, like Dukes of Hazard-ing into a car and then all of a sudden I'm dead. Or having my character reload every time I get shot by a helicopter sniper, causing a loop that I can't get out of because the reload animation takes longer then the shots by the sniper. Or trying to take over a gang hideout that just keeps respawning enemies.Comment
You'll lose them quite often, they kinda suck lol. Definitely recommend upgrading their weapons at some point. You can upgrade them to carry SMGs or shotguns (although you have to unlock those upgrades).Comment
You really should. It's just completely unadulterated fun.
I would like to check out the Whored Mode with someone. Or hell, maybe play through in co-op on a second playthrough?
Does anyone know if it has New Game Plus and let's you take your leveled up character into a new game?Comment