Great time for a F00t Gettogether.
Battlefield 3
The server will be renewed for sure.
MFers better fucking buy B2K and CQ soon.Comment
This Sunday, before I head to work at 5 AM CST, I'm going to re-rent the server for the full week.
I'll leave Padman, Ky and possibly T if he wants it as admins so if the map selection gets boring, they can swap.
Also, if you got some spare scratch on you, now's the time to consider at least getting Back to Karkand.
I know a lot of you aren't fans of Close Quarters but I know I'm not the only one that gets sick of playing on the same Vanilla maps all the time.
As for a [FOOT] Clan reunion, if you're on or see someone familiar playing, don't get shy... jump in on the fun!Comment
There's definite comparisons to COD because it feels quicker (there's no vehicles, things get claustrophobic at times, there's a high percentage that you're gonna get jumped if you don't roll in a group to get kills) and the Gun Master/Conquest Domination modes crib a little as well.
Gun Master is basically Gun Game from Black Ops with the added benefit of grinding parts for the guns you progress through to win the round.
Conquest Domination is just a smaller version of Conquest minus vehicles and is only for the CQ maps from what I've seen.
================================================== =================================
If there was a knock, it'd be that they've furthered away from the BF formula to produce the more infantry-based Close Quarters maps; while your reaction times might speed up from playing, it dismisses teamwork at times and there's less of a need to coordinate what you're doing to win when you can go solo and camp a hallway for days on end.
I got it because I bought Premium for the extra maps, guns and vehicles for later expansions (that and most of the [FOOT] Clan has it too now) but it's not an absolute necessity if you prefer just BF-style wide maps and tactics.Comment
Well shit.
I go to work, forget to put up the server (my bad) and I come back to see that all the South US server spaces are taken.
I'm renting a new East US server now for the week and will post the specifics in the thread when I finish in a few minutes.Comment
New Server Details
The new server:
Server Name: [FOOT] Clan Server
Server maps and modes are fluid and subject to change (Conquest, Rush and TDM on new and old shit; Close Quarters maps will be played on if it's just the Premium or new DLC owners online).
If we server wipe (due to being superfuckawesome), we can just back out, play on another server until this one fills up again and then jump back on.
I'm also making Pad, Ky and Trm Admins for when I'm not on killin' manz with you gents.Comment
The VIP List (handy for those who don't have Premium) -
If I'm missing somebody, lemme know on this thread and I'll add you if we have room.
Otherwise, myself or one of the other admins can invite-and-add you as needed.
And again, I STRONGLY SUGGEST that if you haven't gotten the Back to Karkand DLC yet, please do consider doing so soon.Comment
I'm definitely down to play this whenever I'm not working, but I'm still not sold on Premium. $10 cheaper and I might consider it but I think it's too expensive. Including Karkand, something I already have, and the first pack being mediocre at best is not helping to change my mind.
I still don't understand why they didn't just say that it would be $50 for people without the LE of the game, thus the ones without Karkand, and $40 for everyone else. That would've seemed to make more sense.
Maybe BB will have a one day sale on the Premium code, like they did with CoD Elite not long ago?Comment
Took a month off of this game, played last night and man this game is still badass. I actually like the CQ maps. I was up til 5 am playing last night.
o TH3 N3RD o
There's a new batch of assignments coming for Premium users.
Unlock – F2000 Woodland Oak Camo
- Pre-requisite Premium Assignment 1 completed
- 100 kills with the F2000
- 50 squad revives
- 25 kills with the underslung shotgun
Unlock – Pecheneg Tactical Camo
- Premium Assignment 2 completed
- 100 kills with the Pecheng
- 25 Claymore kills
- 25 vehicle kills with C4
Unlock – L96 Digital Woodland Camo
- Premium Assignment 3 completed
- 100 kills with the L96
- 50 squad spot assists with the MAV
- 350 meter headshot with the L96
Unlock – Scar-H Berkut Camo
- Premium Assignment 4 completed
- 100 kills with the SCAR-H
- 20 kills with AT mines
- 5 air vehicles killed with AT launchers (RPG/SMAW/Javelin)
Unlock – Navy Blue Digital Camo for US Soldiers and Woodland Stripe Pattern for RU Soldiers
- Pre-requisite F2000 Specialist, Pecheneg Specialist, SCAR-H Specialist and L96 Specialist Assignments completed
- 500 kills with Assault
- 400 kills with Support
- 500 kills with Engineer
- 300 kills with Recon
We’re happy to announce that a new range of soldier upgrades are now available to Premium members. For Premium players, this means that you will receive two new Camos (One per faction) as well as new assignments. The new assignments are: Unlock – F2000 Woodland Oak Camo Pre-requisite Premium …Comment