Portal 2
Ok, so I was loving this game up until one point. I'm still not done the game but I should be near the end. It was a part that I thought was pretty cheap and extremely frustrating and I actually had to resort to a FAQ to figure it out.
It's near the end of Chapter 7...
where you have to work your way up the ridiculously long shaft which reminded me of a smokestack. Your vantage points are horrible and everything is so far away. You basically have to guess your way up the thing with portals and hope for the best. Ugh.Comment
So I took a break from Skyrim and decided to play through this beast of a game. Great choice.
The writing and humor was amazing, the puzzles were just hard enough (some were ridiculous and took me a while) and the mechanics are just mind blowing. There is nothing better than figuring out a really hard puzzle and saying "FUCK YOU STEPHEN MERCHANT!"
The Cave Johnson levels were spectacular....just saying.Comment