NHL 12

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  • Rip
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 584

    I used to post here under another account but I forgot the password. I'm a big NHL 11 fan and I was pretty good at it, at least I thought so. I have a pretty big review written about it on TGL (where I'm from) and I thought I'd post it here. No one there likes Hockey :S. Doesn't help that most of the site is from the south.

    My post is pretty damn big and kind of article format. A little suck-up like. I didn't get into the stuff I really disliked. I do think the improvements are patch worthy and that they could have done 100x better. Looking forward to NHL 2K13 though. Anyways here it is and sorry if it's a long read...


    The demo has officially been out for longer than 24 hours and I've played a hefty amount of games in the game modes. Having played NHL 11 a lot, I can see the contrast between the two games and will tell you what I like about the new additions. Let's get started.


    The new animations will probably be the first thing you notice besides maybe the feel and/or speed of the game. They seem to have been greatly improved. The first thing I noticed was the movement of the player while skating. It seems more alive. Your stick is up in the air moving, the players actually pivot when turning, and the stick is generally in the right place instead of going every which way. Skating backwards is a lot more fluid too.

    While skating looks better, it's a tad bit slow.

    The shooting animations look great. If you have a guy crashing the net and you give him a one-timer, the animation is a lot more crisp and realistic looking instead of a weird tap like in NHL 11. Slapshots look a lot better too.

    The hitting animations look cool at times but can be a little clunky. Last year they were extremely fluid but these hits look more realistic at times. When you hit someone you'll extend your arms and push the guy over. I like it.

    Yes, I know that's a lot sexual innuendos but I couldn't describe it any other way. There will be more so please bare with me.


    The offense has been noticeably tweaked and was one of the first things I noticed. The slap shots aren't as fast, can go wide, and feel much better. Wrist shots seems better too.

    A lot of my scoring comes from just taking shots. Snipes are a lot more common and realistic. It looks like you'll be able to see a corner and go for it instead of see the goalie hug the net and nab it.

    I've had no success with trying to score by crashing the net. I've gotten more goals taking shots, like I said above, and on the offensive rush crossing the crease if the pass is open. It usually goes in, like it should.

    The passing is not as "for sure" like NHL 11. By that I mean the puck doesn't go to it's target perfectly every single time.

    Speaking of passing, the computer passes a lot better in the offensive zone. In NHL 11 the computer would pass back and forth, back and forth...back...and...forth. Defender, wing, defender, wing, defender wing. It was as repetitive as NHL's commentary. They actually move around, work the zone, and take shots. It's great. It doesn't make playing as goalie super boring anymore.

    The puck seems to be a lot more life-like. It bounces more often and does it's own thing -- I like it.

    The deking seems to be toned down. It isn't as successful and slower; the same goes with manual dekes. It seems to put emphasis on the deke rating. In NHL 11 the dekes were easy to use if you knew when to use them, people use them in the same scenarios (always), and any player seemed to do them. Hopefully I won't see Zdeno Chara do a loose puck deke around my team.

    With manual deking (moving the right joystick) being slower, it looks like the go-to strategies will be different. Different at least until glitch goals are found. In NHL 11 the quick backhand or left-right/right-left shot seemed to always trick the goalie. In this it seems to be too slow to do that and the goalie's A.I seems to respond a lot better to that, which I will get to later.

    Deking seems to slow you down a little too. In NHL 11 players would just hold the right stick to their backhand side so the other team couldn't get it and they'd glide down the offensive zone while maintaining possession of the puck. It seems that it really slows you down now. Hopefully that means no more manually deking around the A.I and getting behind defenders. It will put more emphasis on puck protect now too. Using the real puck protect makes sense than manually puck protecting by deking...


    The defense is improved to me. The first thing I noticed is the defenders manually waving their sticks while skating backwards Doesn't seem like much but I like that addition.

    Another new addition I LOVE is Anticipation. While you're on D, your team will now anticipate passes instead of lay around until someone had the puck. In 11' it was like if you didn't have the puck, 100% defense and nothing else until you get the puck. That's how the Wingers and Center acted too. Now they will anticipate passes and will become offensive a lot quicker. I love it.

    Stick lifting was majorly nerfed and I liked it. After playing people who whore the tactic, it's good to see. It's not like it's impossible, but now you have to actually be lined up with the person and be in distance. In NHL 11 you could have your back to him and your guy would do a phantom stick lift from far away. Now you have to time it perfectly or you'll probably hit the dude in the face, thus resulting in a slashing or highsticking.

    Poke checking seems to be a little less effective I think. I don't poke check much so I don't see a difference.

    Fighting for the crease: This is a new feature that makes you feel like you have more control. For those who don't know it's a feature that allows the D to scuffle and fight for position in front of the net. It's kind of like press-coverage for those who don't know hockey well. I play defense in EASHL typically and this will be a new feature I'll like. If your Goalie is screened goals will go in more often so you'll need to push those guys out of the way. With a 6'9 Chara it seems pretty easy.

    Checking: The new system is a little clunky. I'm not a fan. It looks pretty cool and feels good to get a huge hit, but most hits are big in the demo. The hits were tuned up for the demo though and I'm expecting there to be less hits and for the hits to not be as clunky.

    The defense also seems to be tighter and hard to get around. You're forced to work the outsides and actually dump the puck as opposed to using every player like they're Pavel Datsyuk

    Sticks aren't made of toothpicks so they don't break all the time. Helmets don't fall off too much either. Never broke the glass or hit someone into the bench yet now that you mention it.

    Fighting still sucks and they need to fix it.


    Last, but not least, Goalies! One of the new and exclusive features is the Goalie being in real time. You can now check the goalie. Be warned, if the Goalie wants, he can check you too. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txBVdz6UO3U[/ame]

    The goalie seems vastly improved. He seems to be moved up and is making a lot more realistic saves. I love how the Goalie plays now. He is saving goals at a better rate than last year and seems a lot more fluid. Taking shots, especially with screens, seem to be the best way to score. It's realistic. That doesn't mean it's easy to score on him. I don't think so at least. Lot more desperation saves too as it seems.

    This is my review. I think the demo is lots of fun and is for sure an improvement from last year. Not a lot of new features and could be considered just one big patch as opposed to a whole new game. I really like it. I can't stop playing the demo and it's a must buy for me. Wish there were more improvements though. Still love the series.


    • Ravin
      Dishing the Gino's
      • Feb 2009
      • 6994

      Originally posted by Maynard
      the game feels rather slow paced. it reminds me of madden/ncaa on very slow speed.

      is there a speed setting in the retail version?
      I believe there is a speed setting to turn it up, but the slower speed is growing on me, as then speed ratings might actually matter. I can see a difference this year for sure when I use hustle with certain players that they are faster.
      All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.

      "rammer" and "cummings"

      The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.


      • Rip
        Junior Member
        • Aug 2011
        • 584

        The hustle button isn't as effective this year. Last year I could use the hustle button right before the blue line and I could get past the defenders every time. They'd maybe be a little behind but i'd hold the backhand so they couldn't reach me (like mentioned in my post above) and then just do the backhand goal.

        The speed is growing on me too.


        • godspeed
          • Mar 2009
          • 1316

          I completely and utterly suck at this game. I;m playing the demo on rookie just to get the shooting and moves down. I'm going to be so far behind the curve vs. people online that have played the last few years.


          • Rip
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2011
            • 584

            Originally posted by godspeed
            I completely and utterly suck at this game. I;m playing the demo on rookie just to get the shooting and moves down. I'm going to be so far behind the curve vs. people online that have played the last few years.
            Yeah there's a learning curve. I completely sucked at NHL but when 10 came out I kind of started to think differently. It's not so much stick skill but knowing what to do at what moment. 12 feels different from 11 and the same tactics from 11 aren't working either.

            What are you having trouble with mostly? I'll see if I can help.


            • godspeed
              • Mar 2009
              • 1316

              Originally posted by Rip
              Yeah there's a learning curve. I completely sucked at NHL but when 10 came out I kind of started to think differently. It's not so much stick skill but knowing what to do at what moment. 12 feels different from 11 and the same tactics from 11 aren't working either.

              What are you having trouble with mostly? I'll see if I can help.
              Finding good shots. And everytime it looks like I'm about to get a good look, CPU is all over me. I can't get a single break away on pro or all star. That's why I went to rookie, to practice shooting, and moves out in the open. Basically it's scoring. I'm good on defense, poke checking, back checking, faceoffs,,,,I just can't score. I'm patient, do alot of passing in the zone, only to not get a good look (except I can on rookie and Pro).

              Do the offense and defense play calling work well?

              Any other general tips will be a huge help. Thanks.


              • Rip
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2011
                • 584

                Originally posted by godspeed
                Finding good shots. And everytime it looks like I'm about to get a good look, CPU is all over me. I can't get a single break away on pro or all star. That's why I went to rookie, to practice shooting, and moves out in the open. Basically it's scoring. I'm good on defense, poke checking, back checking, faceoffs,,,,I just can't score. I'm patient, do alot of passing in the zone, only to not get a good look (except I can on rookie and Pro).

                Do the offense and defense play calling work well?

                Any other general tips will be a huge help. Thanks.
                It's pretty easy going end to end. I typically do 2-3 passes before getting in their zone. I've always excelled at passing.

                Once you get in their zone, trying to pass around until you see something. If not, start taking shots. It's hard(er) to get goals from the point now that slapshots aren't as powerful but it's easy to get rebounds.

                In my last couple games I've been getting 3-4 goals it seems. I've had lots of success using Overload and passing it between one of my wingers and defenders. I'll either pass it to my other winger and take a shot, pass it to my center for a one-timer (lots of success with this) or give it to one of my defenders/other winger and just move forward on the goalie and take a shot. With Overload you can get a lot of rebounds.

                My offensive strategy is kind of confusing. It'd be easy if this had online access to show people lol. I may get a capture card though.

                For now just dink around with the Overload offense. I'm liking it. Take shots and don't just wait for a guy to get open. You'd be surprised how many goals go in from doing that. One-Timers seem to do well too.

                My advice is choppy so take it for what it's worth lol.


                • Ravin
                  Dishing the Gino's
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 6994

                  Dont get mad at no breakaways. I havent had any either, or like maybe one. Most my goals are puck movement and being in the right place.
                  All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.

                  "rammer" and "cummings"

                  The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.


                  • Rip
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 584

                    Originally posted by Ravin
                    Dont get mad at no breakaways. I havent had any either, or like maybe one. Most my goals are puck movement and being in the right place.
                    I had two breakaways and that's because my player anticipated the pass (love that addition). I tried to do that quick backhand and it didn't work, which was good. Hopefully now we'll be able to see an open corner and snipe on a breakaway.


                    • Rip
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 584

                      Some more things I noticed:

                      The penalties must be toned down. I've been laying out people a good couple seconds after they didn't have the puck. It would be a penalty if it were 11.

                      The defenders are a lot better against passes. It was 2 on 1 and I typically pass it to my other player on those opportunities and it's usually a goal. The defender denied cross crease really well. The Goalie is moved up so that was a factor too.

                      When they other team would have a 2 on 1 in 11 I would always check or stick lift the player without the puck denying the play. I wonder how that works with the new Net Battle system?

                      The hitting is growing on me. Saw a sweet hit earlier and it was actually worthy of a highlight unlike NHL 11 where 99.99 percent of hits were repetitive and stupid.

                      You don't pick up the puck as easily. You need to be in the right position and near it. No more going in the general area of the puck and picking it up behind you.

                      The slap dump isn't as successful as it was last year.

                      I'm going to love fighting in front of the net on EASHL or OTP. With both the center or defender. I like it.


                      • killgod
                        OHHHH WHEN THE REDSSSSS
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 4714

                        Originally posted by PP
                        dl the demo. from what ive read its just NHL 11 tweaked.
                        It's the next step in their physics as they promised a year ago, that much is evident.

                        I'm pretty into how the puck interacts in the game and how it reacts off the goalies. Far less magnetic/automated and far more realistic.

                        The slowed speed actually works out better IMO cause the days of lightning fast stick handling through traffic seem to be gone.

                        The polish of offline BAP, new stats engine....NHL 12 gonna be pretty damn good.


                        • wingsfan77
                          Junior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 3000

                          Originally posted by godspeed
                          I completely and utterly suck at this game. I;m playing the demo on rookie just to get the shooting and moves down. I'm going to be so far behind the curve vs. people online that have played the last few years.
                          Get the puck on net and crash for rebounds, that's what I do. I take a ton of shots from the point right along the ice and hope someone is in front for re-directions and tips.


                          • godspeed
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 1316

                            Thanks for the advice guys.

                            I played I think it was NHL 10 or NHL 09, whichever one was the first year of the shot stick and dekes and stuff. So I'm trying to get back into it.

                            You guys are right, I have scored on goals I didn't think i've had a chance on, so I just need to probably take more shots, but still have quality. The majority of my goals are one timers sliding the puck to the middle.

                            I'm not really mad at no breakaways, but I can't improve on my stick skills if I get no opportunities..lol. That's why I bumped it down to rookie and got a few.

                            I've also noticed holding that L2, the face up button? It help my shots alot I think. Or maybe it's just coincidence.


                            • Ravin
                              Dishing the Gino's
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 6994

                              Originally posted by killgod
                              It's the next step in their physics as they promised a year ago, that much is evident.

                              I'm pretty into how the puck interacts in the game and how it reacts off the goalies. Far less magnetic/automated and far more realistic.

                              The slowed speed actually works out better IMO cause the days of lightning fast stick handling through traffic seem to be gone.

                              The polish of offline BAP, new stats engine....NHL 12 gonna be pretty damn good.
                              One of the best things I saw was the puck interaction off the goalie. You take a slap shot, and rather then a lazy beam across the ice right onto the players stick where he can easily bang it into the open net, it bounces around off the ice. A shot off a blocker doens't slide on the ice.
                              All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.

                              "rammer" and "cummings"

                              The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.


                              • killgod
                                OHHHH WHEN THE REDSSSSS
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 4714

                                Originally posted by Ravin
                                One of the best things I saw was the puck interaction off the goalie. You take a slap shot, and rather then a lazy beam across the ice right onto the players stick where he can easily bang it into the open net, it bounces around off the ice. A shot off a blocker doens't slide on the ice.
                                You can really see it when you play goalie (can do in HUT mode).

                                I played 6 periods so far, in some ways it's harder but in other ways its easier to play it.

                                I like how you can beat goalies under their arms and such, some new good goalie animations available too. Working the posts was awkward but it's much smoother and you can trigger some new animations that I don't think you could in the past.

