Leftwich's Top 100 Games of All Time

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  • G-men
    Posts too much
    • Nov 2011
    • 7579

    Sub-Zero was my shit on Mortal Kombat.


    • OnlyOneBeerLeft
      Fuck em
      • Oct 2008
      • 10430

      Originally posted by G-Men
      Sub-Zero was my shit on Mortal Kombat.

      You are the only person...

      Lefty I haven't kept up too much... but... do you have MKII over Ultimate MK3?


      • Leftwich
        Bring on the Season

        • Oct 2008
        • 13700


        Rainbow 6 Vegas

        Platforms: Xbox 360/PS3


        I warn you now, this review is kind of short but I do have something to make up for it. I never even touched the single player for this game to be honest but I did enjoy the hell out of the multiplayer. One of my all time favorite multiplayer experiences to be honest and a level of fun that has yet to be duplicated online.

        As I said before I never touched the single player in this game. The whole reason I even go this game was because of my brethren at MN/SG. They told me how damn good of an experience it was online so I put down the sixty dollars and hoped for the best. What I got was nothing short of a miracle. Rainbow 6 Vegas was at the time the greatest online multiplayer game I had ever played. It just boggled my mind that you could have a completely customizable player. You could choose your guns, camo, facepaint and I even used my Xbox Live Vision Camera to put my own face on my player. It was freaking amazing. Another damn good thing about the multiplayer was rappelling. In most games if you wanted to get downstairs you had to use the stairs but not in Veags. I would rappel through the roof of the Calypso Casino like a boss. I remember opening and closing doors as well. You never see that in games anymore, every door has magically disappeared and you’re left with a frame only. I mention the door thing because Rush and I used to hide in the bathroom at Calypso Casino for the majority of many matches. One time I was running back and forth in the bathroom and rush is standing on the toilet, I wasn’t paying attention and the enemy came bursting through the door and Rush starts unloading on the guy and told him to never bother him when he’s taking a shit. Not in Rainbow 6 Vegas, you could open and close those thangs. I’m getting entirely too excited as I review this, sorry, I really miss this game. The ranking system worked well in this game too. As you gained XP and progressed up in rank you would unlock new weapons, equipment, armor or camo. A few games of current multiplayer stature use this system as well. I’m not saying Rainbow 6 Vegas started it but they were the first to get it right. The game featured typical modes like Team Deathmatch but also had Attack and Defend which was, in my humble opinion, the best mode in the game. It is basically one team defending the bomb site and the other team trying to plant. We had lots of epic standoffs with fellow VSNers in that game mode. The graphics in this game were decent for a year into the 360 life cycle. The best thing was the level designs and there were many maps to choose from with varying styles and such. Character models could have been better but with the level of customization, who cares? Sound was very good actually. Every gun sounded different and the sound of you breaking the glass and rappelling through a window is so good. If you’re the opposing team and you hear that, you’re fucked.

        If you’ve never played this before, you’ve missed out. The servers aren’t up anymore and we did get a sequel that sucked. Not nearly as fun as they first but they tried and that’s all that matter. Watch the video below and read some comments by my fellow squad mates from this game.

        It was the most fun I've ever had with an online game. I could play A&D on Calypso over and over and it never got old. – BonesMahoney
        Rainbow 6 Vegas was quite possibly the best online shooter of all time. Everything about the online gameplay was awesome. I have never had more fun playing a game online with people than this game. From the maps which were all pretty fucking awesome to the completely customizable camouflage you could rock - the game was perfect. I spent hours upon hours playing this game online with the likes of Leftwich, Rush, Point Blank, MvP, Bones and may others and the game never got old. I would still play this game today if the online servers were up and we had a group of guys to play it. That's how fucking awesome the game was. –Rudi
        [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxl4arXX9LM"]Rainbow Six: Vegas multiplayer (from TeamXbox) - YouTube[/ame]

        Originally posted by Tailback U
        It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


        • Leftwich
          Bring on the Season

          • Oct 2008
          • 13700

          BTW I know those are images from RB6V2 but i couldn't find decent ones of the first one.

          Originally posted by Tailback U
          It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


          • Twigg4075
            Kindergarten Cop
            • Feb 2009
            • 20056

            Originally posted by SethMode
            I hated it back in the day mostly because I did not care for the 64 controller. I started it up again in the last 5 years or so and liked it a lot more, although the Mario system itself is a little tired to me (Stars! Lives! Both are completely arbitrary!)
            I never owned a N64 but hell if that controller wasn't one of the worst designs ever. Nintendo fanboys will of course disagree I'm sure.

            Also, you need to check out Super Mario Land 3DS. I know you don't have a 3DS but damn if that game isn't amazing.


            • j.hen
              Self Care
              • Oct 2008
              • 10058

              I was along with you and Rush while hiding in the bathrooms. I feel like I might have even been the first one to do that actually

              Some of my best memories of my entire XBL experience came from RB6 Vegas.

              I remember how when you were close to players on the other team you could hear what they were saying. When we would kill someone we would all yell "ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH!!!" in a high pitch yelp and it got to the point where after the match everyone on the other team was like wtf?

              Another time I was playing with people from here, pretty sure Rylo was on my team for sure. Anyways this one guy we were playing with was stoned as hell and for whatever reason my whole team was in a circle together crouching, I'm not entirely sure why but our whole team had completely gave up on the deathmatch and we were just giggling. Out of nowhere a frag grenade gets lobbed into the group and we all die. The stoned dude lets out a yell "THAT FAGGOT RUINED OUR CIRCLE JERK!! GET EM!!!" I lol'd so hard.


              • Rudi
                • Nov 2008
                • 9905

                hahahaha the circle jerk was awesome. god the memories I had on RB6 vegas will never be duplicated. what a fucking game it was.


                • j.hen
                  Self Care
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 10058

                  Originally posted by Rudi
                  hahahaha the circle jerk was awesome. god the memories I had on RB6 vegas will never be duplicated. what a fucking game it was.
                  lmao, classic! To this day one of the hardest times I've laughed while playing a video game. Right up there with playing LBP1 with 3 friends while we were all on shrooms, when we figured out how to bitch slap each other we were all dying.

                  I can still remember Rush walking in on me in RB6 Vegas hiding in the bathroom and doing like a triple take then laughing. Good times.


                  • Rudi
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 9905

                    I never really thought about it but lefty made a great point about the doors opening/closing. One of my favorite things to do at Calypso was set a charge on the doors that lead to the downstairs area and blow that shit up whenever someone would open it.

                    Another thing that was awesome about the game was EVERYONE at MN/SG played it.You could hop on at any given time, and there would be 5-6 people playing the game. Shit was great.


                    • Twigg4075
                      Kindergarten Cop
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 20056

                      Originally posted by Rudi

                      Another thing that was awesome about the game was EVERYONE at MN/SG played it.You could hop on at any given time, and there would be 5-6 people playing the game. Shit was great.
                      What's stopping us from firing it up now to see how it holds up? I still have it.


                      • Rudi
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 9905

                        I don't think the servers are still up are they? If they are I would go get that shit right now


                        • Leftwich
                          Bring on the Season

                          • Oct 2008
                          • 13700

                          Originally posted by Rudi
                          I never really thought about it but lefty made a great point about the doors opening/closing. One of my favorite things to do at Calypso was set a charge on the doors that lead to the downstairs area and blow that shit up whenever someone would open it.

                          Another thing that was awesome about the game was EVERYONE at MN/SG played it.You could hop on at any given time, and there would be 5-6 people playing the game. Shit was great.
                          The door opening and closing was my favorite thing about the game other than trolling people when i rappelled near windows and shot them with my pistol.

                          I swear i got more death threats doing that than any other thing i've done in a game. I'd seriously rappel down the side of a building shoot people or tossing grenades, go back to the roof, wait a few minutes and do it again. I played with randoms once and went like 21-0 doing that.

                          Originally posted by Tailback U
                          It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


                          • Leftwich
                            Bring on the Season

                            • Oct 2008
                            • 13700

                            Originally posted by Twigg4075
                            What's stopping us from firing it up now to see how it holds up? I still have it.
                            I'm pretty sure they took the servers down for the original and left the ones for rb6v2 up and its not nearly as fun.

                            Originally posted by Tailback U
                            It won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.


                            • Twigg4075
                              Kindergarten Cop
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 20056

                              Originally posted by Rudi
                              I don't think the servers are still up are they? If they are I would go get that shit right now
                              Well, some clown on Gamefaqs was looking for people to help him boost as recently as 02/14 so iw ould guess they still work.

                              I also wouldn't mind doing the co-op shit. I don't think I ever completed the Terrorist Hunts and such.


                              • Rudi
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 9905

                                Originally posted by Leftwich
                                The door opening and closing was my favorite thing about the game other than trolling people when i rappelled near windows and shot them with my pistol.

                                I swear i got more death threats doing that than any other thing i've done in a game. I'd seriously rappel down the side of a building shoot people or tossing grenades, go back to the roof, wait a few minutes and do it again. I played with randoms once and went like 21-0 doing that.
                                Haha I was just talking about how rappelling down the side of the casino and shooting people with your pistol who were hidin out in the slot room. throwing grenades in there was awesome too

