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  • Primetime
    Thank You Prince
    • Nov 2008
    • 17526

    Originally posted by Twigg4075
    From what I've heard of the unbelievably dumb and copius amount of AI, I'm not surprised.
    It's not like you get the same amount of experience for killing AI as pilots or titans. You get barely any for killing an AI. They're also very useful in the game for a copious amount of reasons.


    • JimLeavy59
      War Hero
      • May 2012
      • 7199

      Originally posted by Primetime
      Max leveled the Titanfall beta in a day
      Everyone who got a BETA code did lol.


      • Primetime
        Thank You Prince
        • Nov 2008
        • 17526

        Originally posted by JimLeavy59
        Everyone who got a BETA code did lol.
        Only 10-20% of people I've played with are maxed out. Atlas, Stevsta, and I have run trains through all the newbies.


        • Twigg4075
          Kindergarten Cop
          • Feb 2009
          • 20056

          I'm on a real LEGO tear now. After getting those two plats in both Marvel and The Movie I decided to 100% my other games. I checked and I only had 760/1000 cheevo points on LEGO Indy so I popped that in and got the last few cheevos. They were such a grind as they were mostly all "Do X thing 100 times". Apparently when my wife and I played the game five years ago (our save showed 02/10/09, ha) she must've did most of the menial tasks in the game like digging, using disguises, etc. And with these games unless player 1 is doing the stuff it doesn't count towards the cheevo. So I got those 1000 and jumped right into LEGO Indy 2 which I had heard was probably the worst of the LEGO games. So far we're loving it.

          So far I have 100% and got sll trophies/cheevos in:

          LEGO Indy
          LEGO Batman
          LEGO Marvel
          LEGO Movie

          I'm working on Indy 2 and I saw that I only have 460 points on Star Wars The Complete Saga. So after Indy 2 that's up next.
          Last edited by Twigg4075; 02-17-2014, 12:10 AM.


          • Buzzman
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 6659

            Nice I'll have to knock those out soon.


            • Twigg4075
              Kindergarten Cop
              • Feb 2009
              • 20056

              The wife and I played through all of LEGO Indy 2 but I only have 820/1000 cheevo points. The game has a level editor/creator mode and for some reason in order to get 100% game completion, and about a handful of cheevos, you need to complete certain things within that mode. So dumb. I'm hoping to check it out today and band those out.

              The wife and I really enjoyed it, especially considering I wasn't expecting much because everything I jeard about it was that it was a pretty crappy game and the worst LEGO game made. I'm guessing because back then they tried a lot of different things like having a hub area for each movie (or movie section in regards to the Crystal Skull). They also required you to locate the differnet characters wandering around the hub after your purchased the. You can't just quick swap to a charcter. Also, all of the hidden bricks (they have three in that game: green, blue and red) are hidden the hubs, not in the story levels. They also have hidden bonus levels in the hubs and if you replay the story levels it's considered "Treasure Mode". The levels are altered and two specific characters are required to complete them. For the most part I really liked the changes they made and you can see them and similar changes in The LEGO Movie game.
              The only real issue I had with the game, besides having no quick swap for the characters, was a problem I ran into with the second controller. Now, I'm not sure if this is just a 360 issue and if it is related to the controller issues I have. As I've mentioned several times in the past the controllers I got with my Gear of War console were fucked. They would just lose connection for no reason and it appeared to be a physical issue with the contrllers. It was as if they batteries were pulled. I swapped them out several times and gave up after five times. One of the replacement controllers has worked fine since but the other one, that I just use as a backup, still has teh issue. Well, it lost connection several times while playing and every time it happend I'd have to quit completely out of the game and back to the dashboard because the game would not recognize the second player even after getting teh controller back on. Weird.


              • Twigg4075
                Kindergarten Cop
                • Feb 2009
                • 20056

                Ok, I finished up the cheevos in LEGO Indy 2 to get 1000/1000. I'm now less than 300 gs away from 100,000.


                • padman59
                  Slayer of Demons
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 5708

                  Demon's Souls. Platinum trophy. This game is officially retired. I guess Dark Souls is next.


                  • jms493
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 11248

                    Originally posted by padman59
                    Demon's Souls. Platinum trophy. This game is officially retired. I guess Dark Souls is next.
                    Pretty amazing stuff there Padman. Impressive.


                    • Twigg4075
                      Kindergarten Cop
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 20056

                      I finally eclipsed 100,000 Gamerscore today.

                      Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.


                      • JayDizzle
                        Let's Go All The Way...
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 14214

                        I finished the COD: Ghosts campaign w/o wanting to eject the disc and chuck it out the window.

                        That's worth something, right?


                        • Swarley
                          A Special Kind of Cat
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 11213

                          Finished up Deadfall Adventures on Xbox 360. Basically your typical Indiana Jones/Uncharted/Tomb Raider story, but with worse writing. The voice acting is some of the worst I've ever come across in gaming. Just wow lol. The graphics look like something you'd come across early to mid gen from the 360/PS3 era, and this game came out November of 2013. There's nothing special about the shooting mechanics, and they can even feel heavy at times.

                          Lots of treasures and puzzles, however. This is its redeeming quality. Instead of just finding treasures, you also have to navigate booby traps and puzzles to get these optional treasures. Which I found to be quite fun. There are plenty of puzzles during the game. They give you a notebook like Indiana Jones and Uncharted, except the "hints" are completely useless 80% of the time and you just have to figure it out on your own by trial and error, which I didn't necessarily hate.

                          That said, I actually really enjoyed the game lol. The whole treasure hunting theme is something I've loved since I was a kid in movies and games, so that might have something to do with it. But for me, it was just so bad that I liked it.
                          Last edited by Swarley; 02-26-2014, 02:26 PM.


                          • Handleit_44
                            Posts a lot
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 3330

                            Need for Speed Rivals is in the bag


                            • Buzzman
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 6659

                              75-80 Hours. Phew. Boy do I have stories to tell with this game.


                              • Buzzman
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 6659

                                After the plat, I rounded up the DLC trophies I need and 100% it. Going to retire it after 90 hours.

