Nintendo Direct stream will begin at 10am ET on Tuesday. They are expected to show off a few Wii U games, including Super Smash Bros. 4.
Nintendo Direct E3
-New Pokemon type for X and Y (Fairy? ...really?)
-Super Mario 3D World features the player cast from SMB2 and a new Cat Mario suit that allows you to climb walls
-Mario Kart 8... more of the same and cribbed from previous Kart games as well
-Wii Party U... delayed
-Wii Fit U... also delayed
-Art Academy is getting an upgrade in the form of a penciling tool since they haven't finished the full patch yet
-The slate of 3rd party games reads like a set of titles that will be MUCH better on a better console
-Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is still getting the HD treatment for Wii U
-Wonderful 101 is the only thing I saw that looked rad as shit and made actual use of the game tablet as a feature
-Donkey Kong Country Country Freeze is more DK and you can now play as Dixie Kong
-Bayonetta 2 makes me curse the industry for allowing games like this and DMC to fade into obscurity because there needs to be more shooters
in our lives
-Monolithsoft (Monolith Soft?) is make another giant robot game... looks like Monster Hunter but robots
-Super Smash Brothers is back for the Wii U and 3DS... Mega Man and Villager from Animal Crossing are now on the roster.
Fucking MEGA MAN.
All in all, a typical conference where we see that Nintendo's willing to take the time to finish their games so they'll work right on launch.
This unfortunately leaves them still leaning on 3rd party sales to fill in the gaps while fans wait patiently like the zombies they are.
I suppose it's better than having to patch your game 10 times during the year because somebody bitched that the game was too hard or about
lack of gun balance.Comment