I'm stuck on the last level. I need to find the missing codex pages and I have no idea how to get to Rome or Venice.
Assassin's Creed 2
Another full-priced AC title featuring ezio is slated for this holiday season. Some kinda story between 2-3 i guess. It was only mentioned in passing in game informer.Comment
I just finished it, too. Cannot say it was epic, it does set the stage for future games, but I really wouldn't say it is epic.
I just hope the sequels are based around the various assassins through history mentioned in the game. While it would be cool to stay in medieval times, I kind of like the idea of an Ancient Egyptian setting or one of the other random assassins.Comment
i am just into the start of the game. These beginner family missions. Its a real cool game. Some of the controls are a bit tricky right now, but im sure i will get the hang of it. I like the platforming stuff alot but i wish you didnt have to hold the RT the entire timeComment
Heh, my 9 year old is mostly through it. Definitely worth the play. Best story of the series.UglyChristmasLights.com - Celebrating 10 years with the 2011 collection!Comment