Just got it. Installing the DLC now.
Borderlands : A New Beginning
It was funny when Twigg and his cousin were a few levels behind me and their health got low and I was just punching bad guys in the face haha.Comment
Ok, so now I'm getting worried. The game froze up twice last night while playing with Pad, Wings and my cousin. Now I just tried playing some single player and the same thing happened.
I'm hoping it's the game and not my PS3, although I think the last game I played before Borderlands was Battlefield and that game froze on me as well.
I'm trying LBP2 now to see how that goes.Comment
I t-boned the shit out of Padman's car tonight and got them tangled so they couldn't drive hahaComment
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned = best zombie add-on for a game
everyone bitches about the overabundance of zombie modes in games now (and rightfully so) but if those poor fools have never played Zombie Island i pity them. everything about it was awesome and was one of my favorite parts of the gameComment
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned = best zombie add-on for a game
everyone bitches about the overabundance of zombie modes in games now (and rightfully so) but if those poor fools have never played Zombie Island i pity them. everything about it was awesome and was one of my favorite parts of the gameComment