Official Fallout: New Vegas Thread
The jist is to make 3 piles, each with a point total no greater than 26 but no less than 21.
You can also play cards on your opponent's piles to mess with whatever strategy they were using.
You win by 'selling' 2 or all 3 of your 'Caravans' (piles) at the end of the game.
Also, you can cheat at the game by collecting cards from all over the Overworld Map and certain locations to use in your custom Caravan decks... That way you can have 5 Kings or whatever.
There's also instructions on how to play if you pause the game and look in the Help menu.
Yo JayDizzle are you playing on Hardcore mode?
I feel like Hardcore mode is the way to go with this game, makes it that much more realistic. Plus you can still change the difficulty anyways but still have the Hardcore mode on. That said, I still haven't played it yet. lol
So far I noticed that if you have 7 or more in your Strength Rating, you can pretty much carry everything you ever pick up along the way.
Moreso with certain perks. ;)
I'm planning on a Hardcore run next but after getting jumped by everything under the sun, I fear I may take more time pulling bullets out of my hide than finishing quests...Comment
i am not find hardcore to be to much of a big deal atm. maybe when i get into some battles it will matter. but its just about managing yourself beyond what we are used to doing in most rpgs. once you get a feel for it, the shit becomes second nature....not trying to lessen its appeal, because its fucking coolComment
i am not find hardcore to be to much of a big deal atm. maybe when i get into some battles it will matter. but its just about managing yourself beyond what we are used to doing in most rpgs. once you get a feel for it, the shit becomes second nature....not trying to lessen its appeal, because its fucking cool
Anybody download the game to their hard drive? I would assume doing that and clearing your cache would get rid of at least some bugs.Comment
they work like rad posioning from fo3. your rads would go up and u would take some radaway to reduce it. sleep, h2o and food work like that. they each increase at its own pace. h2o seems to increase quickest. think about how long yu can go without sleep, water and food and that gives u an idea of how it progresses in the game....its pretty realistic. u have a trusty canteen that u sip from all day long automatically. i come across water sources and drink from there as well. i havnt had my canteen run out on me though and it seems to only give you small reductions to your water need
i DL it to my hd. didnt clear the cache but im not seeing any of the problems we heard about. i saw a guy get stuck in a table, but it was no biggieComment
I suppose you could program a robot to do that for you but then again, can you really trust a mechanical man to not cheat at Fold'em?Comment
You can use a single deck type as well as multiple cards from different decks (you can use a card from The Tops and a card from another casino if you want... card are found everywhere and some can be bought through merchants).
From there, you play on three piles (or Caravans) as well as your opponent's if you so choose.
The goal is to get each of your piles to add up to a total number that is more than 21 but less than 26.
Meanwhile, you use face cards to determine whether any (or ALL in some cases) pile loses certain suits (clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds), particular cards or goes in a certain direction.
At the end, you want to reach the afformentioned point total before your opponent by 'selling your caravans.'Comment