next sunday you fucking rubes
Boardwalk Empire
I'm ready, even though I am still four episodes behind in true blood, going to have to force myself to sit through em soonComment
WIN WIN WIN WIN OMG OMG OMG I CANT WAIT FOR TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By The way: for the Record, Steve Buschemi is amazing for that role. Suck a cock if u think im wrong.Originally posted by BookerT316Arcbomber your a fag if me posting get to you!Indianapolis Colts11-5AFC SOUTH CHAMPIONSComment
Anyone know of a live stream?Originally posted by mgoblue2290If you want to win, put Drew in.Comment
Wtf was the point of her saying she kissed her sons dick when he was a baby..................that literally had no point to it at all. Its as if the writers said "Fuck it lets shock the piss out of em"
PS Chalky is livin the high life of 1920s DIZAMN! Who said a nigga be strugglinOriginally posted by BookerT316Arcbomber your a fag if me posting get to you!Indianapolis Colts11-5AFC SOUTH CHAMPIONSComment
I think to hammer home the fact that this bitch is nuts, and lay groundwork for a rift between the wife and the mom. This could spiral into Jimmy taking the side of the wife, leading to the mother possibly turning on Jimmy in retaliation and exposing the plans to take the town over to Nucky. Remember, theyy showed the mother eavesdropping on a conversation Jimmy was having with his father and Nucky's brother.Comment