I was hooked after the fantastic pilot, but this probably the only show on earth where each episode is better than the one before it.
Breaking Bad
Spider Todd is going to end up fucking everything up.
I love how melting down the corpse of a 12 year old with HF acid is A-OK by FCC standards, but showing "Fuck you" has to be blurred out.
"Yo, these green beans are the bomb, yo."
There's a thread on reddit about how this episode is the one that ties the whole series together. Basically, Walt's experience with Grey Matter and his bad buyout situation has gotten him to the point where he has to prove that his chemistry knowledge is enough to build his own empire. All he ever thinks about is how he got screwed and destroyed his future, and now he can actually do something about it. That's where it went from paying for cancer treatments to being greedy to the point of self-destruction.Comment
Just watched the train episode last night.
Does anyone else now have this reaction to constantly yell "YEAH BITCH" everytime they do something cool?All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment