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  • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
    • Feb 2009
    • 15428

    Originally posted by Goobyslayer
    First trailer for The Dark Knight Returns Part 1, the greatest graphic novel of all time.

    Not even the best Batman, fella.


    • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
      • Feb 2009
      • 15428

      Originally posted by calgaryballer
      I'd be intrigued as to your opinion on what's better
      IMO, I enjoy the following more...

      The Killing Joke
      Year One
      The Long Halloween

      I even dig the deeper levels of Batman that Arkham Asylum takes.


      • NAHSTE
        Probably owns the site
        • Feb 2009
        • 22233

        Originally posted by calgaryballer
        I'd be intrigued as to your opinion on what's better
        I didn't think this was up for debate.


        • calgaryballer
          • Mar 2009
          • 4620

          Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
          IMO, I enjoy the following more...

          The Killing Joke
          Year One
          The Long Halloween

          I even dig the deeper levels of Batman that Arkham Asylum takes.
          All reasonable choices. I was reading ComicVine the other day and a recent poll had named Snyder's Court of Owls as the best take. I'm always just interested in other peoples thoughts on comics


          • calgaryballer
            • Mar 2009
            • 4620

            Originally posted by NAHSTE
            I didn't think this was up for debate.
            There is always something to debate. At the end of the stay, Dark Knight Returns is a fantastic comic with some great imagery. In Supergods, Grant Morrison talks about how the cover art for the first issue changed the way he though superhero books could be done. I'd wouldn't kick anyone out of town if they wanted to stand on their soapbox with 'Returns' as best Batman of all time


            • A Tasty Burgerr
              ▄█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀
              • Oct 2008
              • 5916

              Sorry if it's a re-post, I don't remember seeing it on here though.



              • KINGOFOOTBALL
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2009
                • 10343

                lmao that 3rd pic is what I said.


                Saw it last night. Mixed feelings. It went from best batman movie to wtf numerous times back and forth.
                Tom Hardy was great as Bane. They used some great camera work to make him look alot bigger than what he is. The voice bordered on comical though. He sounded like a sesame street character at times. From the Bane/Bat fight until Wayne gets out of the pit I thought was as good as any previous batman. I was really engrossed in it. The last act pissed me off though. The second they made that chick important I knew there was gonna be some stupid twist where shes a bad guy. Her presence basically made Bane pointless and the fact Batman couldnt figure out the first go around that the guy wasnt wearing a mask just for style is retarded. All he needed to know was to hit the mask ? Then he just whips Bane and Catwoman is still the one who kills Bane ??
                Just an utter cop out of a twist in storyline.

                JGL and Michael Caine were superb. Overall great peak , but the last act really really could have been a hell of alot better.
                Best reason to have a license.


                • Goober
                  Needs a hobby
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 12270

                  Bane origin deleted scene:

                  The thing that you should have seen during that sequence is [Bane] being injured in his youth. So one of the fundamental things about his costume is that he has this scar from the back injury. Even if he hasn’t got the bulletproof vest on, he still has to wear the waist belt and the braces. In that scene in the prison, where he’s learning to fight the same way Batman learned to fight, he’s wearing an early version of his waist belt. It’s showing support, but it’s not the finished one he eventually wears. He’s also wearing an early version of his gas mask, all glued together … If you look at the film, unless they’ve cut it—and I’m sure they haven’t—there’s a whole early section for Tom Hardy where he’s fighting and being taunted by people. He’s got chains on him, and he’s standing on a wooden thing while people are attacking him. And in that scene, he’s wearing a much more ragged, primitive version of the mask.

                  So much was deleted in this one, I really wish Nolan would have went all ROTK with this.


                  • Blade
                    Walking SAM site
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 3739

                    Originally posted by A Tasty Burgerr
                    Sorry if it's a re-post, I don't remember seeing it on here though.


                    I think I fell into all those categories throughout the film lol. I definitely thought the last part, and some of the middle part.


                    • IamMedellin
                      Everything Burns...
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 10910

                      saw it again the other day....

                      Liked Bane alot better the 2nd time around, Nolan and Goyer took all the best aspects of a character that has..out side of Gail simone and Chuck dixon, been written pretty terribly...

                      There was alot of Bane from Simone's Secret Six run in how he protected Talia, I really liked it.....though I wouldve preffered that JGL have said "Timothy Drake" when asked to give his govt. name.


                      • Cornelius
                        3rd place is you're fired
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 2377

                        Originally posted by Goobyslayer
                        They could've replaced Alfred crying for 5 hours or (insert important figure here) standing in front of a crowd saying nothing scenes.


                        • Swarley
                          A Special Kind of Cat
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 11213

                          The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray Art?

                          Originally posted by IGN
                          With The Avenges now out on home video (review here), the inevitable Blu-ray and DVD announcement of The Dark Knight Rises is just around the corner.

                          A few images from the UK release of The Dark Knight Rises Blu-ray and DVD, as well as some images from a Batman Trilogy box set, have already started popping up all over the internet today, courtesy of ComicBookMovie and DCU Movie Page. It's unclear if these are official or fan-made just yet. Some of the images look fairly legit, while others are a little more questionable. Take a look and judge for yourself:

                          Meanwhile, actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, out promoting Looper (review here), spoke with Collider and shot down any hopes of seeing those rumored deleted scenes from The Dark Knight Rises. "Every movie has a longer cut which gets edited, and deleted scenes implies that there’s whole chunks of the film missing. It’s not that, it just gets tightened up in the editing process."

                          It's certainly possible Joseph Gordon-Levitt simply doesn't know about the deleted scenes, but his statement feels fairly definitive. We should know more in the coming days. The Dark Knight Rises is tentatively slated to come home December 3, 2012. Expect an official announcement from Warner Home Video very soon.


                          • Goober
                            Needs a hobby
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 12270


                            • Goober
                              Needs a hobby
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 12270

                              It's starting to look like Warner Bros may hold Christopher Nolan in the highest possible regard, but that in the end, they own their characters and they will decide what they're going to do with them.

                              After all, we heard much talk this summer about how the Batman franchise was ending, at least as far as the current version is concerned, and I believe that Nolan was serious when he said that was the last story he had to tell about the character. But Nolan is working with Warner Bros. on the "Man Of Steel" relaunch this summer, and as we reported earlier today, director Zack Snyder is starting to hint at the idea that his film is part of a larger continuity.

                              Certainly, the ending of "The Dark Knight Rises" hints at a possible future for the franchise, and there has been much speculation about whether or not they'll work to connect the end of that film to the larger world of DC properties that Warner is so desperate to create. Over the last couple of weeks, that speculation seems to have turned into conversation, and that conversation seems to be solidifying into a plan.

                              According to sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in "Justice League" as the new Batman.

                              Now here's where things get interesting. The more insistent the drumbeat has become, the more poking around I've been doing, and it's looking like we may see Gordon-Levitt in the suit earlier than that. They're a long way from filming anything "Justice League" related, but they appear to be solidifying deals for Gordon-Levitt and, potentially, at least one other actor from the Nolan films to do… something.

                              So let's take what we know and speculate a little bit. How crazy do you think fans would go if Superman were to take to the skies at the end of "Man Of Steel," finally ready to fully accept his role as mankind's most powerful protector, only to have the closing credits interrupted when something catches his attention and he swoops down out of that sky, landing on a rooftop where Jim Gordon stands next to the Bat-Signal, interrupting just as the new Batman arrives for a chat about Gotham's latest problem?

                              Pretty crazy, I'd wager.

                              Keep in mind, I'm not saying that will happen at the end of "Man Of Steel." I'm just saying that Warner Bros. has been studying the way Marvel handled their build-up to "The Avengers," and once they've made the decision they've apparently made, why not start laying the groundwork as soon as possible?

                              More than ever, I'm curious to lay eyes on "Man Of Steel," and to see just what Warner has in mind for the future. It's going to be fascinating.


                              • christguz
                                I turned into a martian
                                • Jul 2012
                                • 446

                                Has anyone been reading "Death in the Family"?
                                "No God or Kings. Only Man"

