Alex Rodriguez Has Really Got To Learn To Keep His Mouth Shut

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  • Youk
    Posts too much
    • Feb 2009
    • 7998

    Originally posted by cpollack09
    I bet u if this guy was on your team from when the yankees got him u guys wouldn't be complaining
    I'm thanking god that he wasn't.

    Arod FTL

    And I was against that Sox/Arod trade.


    • Scorask
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2009
      • 379

      Originally posted by MVPete
      I love how all of a sudden all the fucking pasty white sox fan's claim they didn't want Arod back in '04. Nothing on this planet I hate worse, than NE/Boston fans. I love the Sox, but there fans just get so fucking annoying.
      I agree with Youk also. Being a Nomar fan I never wanted it to happen, and fortunately it didn't. I know how good a player A-rod is but his lack of chemistry with with his present/former teamates causes a lot of concern in the clubhouse IMO. Its been proven that when he leaves a team the team gets better, whether its the morale, chemistry, etc. I think that says a lot of the type of person he is. If that trade was made I am willing to gaurantee that the Sox would still be without a WS title!


      • Scorask
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2009
        • 379

        Originally posted by MVPete
        I'm from Tampa(Born in NY though, left when I was 4) so I never really was a big Ray's fan, so I grew up loving the AL East. It's nice even when they sucked because you'd get the Sox, Yanks, Orioles, and BJays on TV like all year. And the Mariners got better for 2 years or so after he left, and the Rangers did not I don't think. So not sure where you got that from. I was a big Nomar fan too. He was either on roids, or was just seriously injury prone.
        I would like to think that Nomar was more injury prone but I know that probably isn't realistic of me. I remember Ted Williams talking about Nomar back during the 99 All Star Game saying that Nomar was the closest he had ever seen to Joe Dimaggio. I loved when he messed with his batting gloves during every pitch, to when he would swing at 99.9% of the 1st pitch's thrown to him. Trust me when I say that wanted Nomar over A-rod, on paper it might not be the better choice but Nomar was a true Red Sox, came up through the system. Nomar was actually Dan Duquette's first contract offer as GM, best signing he ever made.

        As far a A-rod goes, I believe the Rangers got alot better after A-rod was traded. Actually the Rangers finished last in the AL West every season that A-rod played for them, after he was traded they finished 3rd 3 years in a row and finally had an above .500 season in 2004. So answer me this, how do you trade the best player in basebal yet your team gets better? Chemistry!
        Last edited by Scorask; 03-06-2009, 09:32 AM.


        • Scorask
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2009
          • 379

          Originally posted by MVPete
          Good post.

          Originally posted by mbuser
          this stuff never ceases to amaze me. yankee relievers blew games 4 and 5 against the Sox but it's ARod's fault. jeter hit .200/.333/.233 in that series but it's ARod's fault. texas' team ERA improves by over a full run from 03 to 04 and it's because ARod wasn't there to mess up chemistry

          the guy pays a compliment to his WBC teammate and the media says "oh noes!!!! JETER PLAYS SS TOO!!?!!?!!" blah blah blah blah. i'll give you that different wording would/could have avoided all this 'controversy' but if you think it was meant as a shot at jeter than you just have an itchy "i hate ARod" trigger finger, which certainly isn't unusual
          Maybe the fact that A-rod has a total of 9 RBI in 94 AB's since the 2004 postseason should cease to amaze you? If the highest paid player knocks in a few more runs than those leads don't get blown. Isn't that why they traded for him?

          Don't try to justify A-rod's comments either, in his position of "pressure" he should know better. Stop making excuses for him already, he's a big boy, that keeps saying un-neccesary things!


          • Primetime
            Thank You Prince
            • Nov 2008
            • 17526

            You're trying to defend the failures of the highest paid baseball player ever. It's not going to work.


            • Scorask
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2009
              • 379

              Originally posted by mbuser
              it's unnecessary to praise a teammate? it's everyone else that takes what he says and tries to extrapolate it to include 10 extra inferences. and where did i say that his recent playoff numbers are good?
              Its not un-nessecary to praise a teammate, but to praise someone that isn't technically your teammate in contrast to your current teammate, that is a problem. He continues to add fuel to the fire and he deserves whatever backlash that comes his way. Again, this all avoidable.

              You said its not all A-rod fault, which to some extent I do agree with. But my point is that if he contributed something, anything to run support, those blown saves that you say cost the Yankees those games wouldn't have been blown if A-rod earned his paycheck!


              • Scorask
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2009
                • 379

                Originally posted by mbuser
                read that headline and tell me that he 'deserves' that. its completely asinine
                Um, yeah. Being who he is should assure him that anything he says will be taken out of context, which I believe the title of this thread explains it clearly. If he hasn't learned by now I don't think he ever will.

                Originally posted by mbuser
                your original points - that the yankees are spiraling into the abyss because of arod and that the rangers improved markedly simply because arod left - were what i disagreed with. and arod hit a 2-run home run in game 4 of that series, by the way. you know, the one that could have decided it had mariano rivera earned his paycheck
                You believe what you want about why the Yankees are where they are, not where they used to be. Luckily he's all yours for a long time. And the 2004 ALCS went seven games, what else did he do the rest of the way?
                Last edited by Scorask; 03-06-2009, 04:27 PM.


                • spidey12293
                  Silly Gallo
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 1773

                  I can't believe how much bullshit there is in this thread. All of the Sox fans wanting Nomar now, but were all having hissy fits when the Yankees got A-Rod. And Chemistry is the most overrated thing in all Pro sports. Do you want to know why the Yankees have failed recently because their pitching has sucked, and their WHOLE offense has been garbage in the postseason. They didn't lose because they didn't like each other its because they weren't good enough. Then you have the Yankee fans who really need to take a good look at Jeter. He isn't what he used to be. He is a below average fielder, and his hitting is starting to drop off. Why wouldn't you want Reyes over Jeter? Are you that ignorant?


                  • Scorask
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 379

                    Originally posted by mbuser
                    all i've been trying to do is point out how out of touch with reality this has all gotten. two posts ago you you wondered what would have happened IF he had contributed "something, anything" during the games where there were blown saves, despite the fact that he hit a 2-run home run in what could have been the deciding game had rivera been able to lock down the sox

                    i'm a pirates fan by the way
                    As out of touch as this may be it is A-rod's reality. He can avoid these situations knowing that everything that comes out of his mouth will be taken out of context. Either way he will be under the microscope for anything he does/says.


                    • FirstTimer
                      Freeman Error

                      • Feb 2009
                      • 18729

                      I'd say it's more a rip at whoever is leading off for the Yankees rather than a rip at Jeter. I doubt A-Rod cares what position Reyes plays....even if it was his own. He just wants him to lead off.

                      LOL at the people missing this obvious point and wanting to turn it into A-Rod vs Jeter............

                      Are you people that dense?


                      • IamMedellin
                        Everything Burns...
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 10910

                        Originally posted by MVPete
                        Sox fans are worse than Yankees ever since they won in 04. They are incredibly passionate, but they are also dumb and cocky for the most part. They basically grow up and are handed a sheet with all the "Red Sox things you need to know", memorize that list of old and historic moments and go on from there thinking they are better than everyone, and that they know what is right. Yankees fans are just as bad, but I think they have toned it down since 2003.
                        yankee fans arent fun anymore....its too easy to shut em up now.....Sox fans will NEVER be that bad.....they still have that inferiority complex in that even with all of their success......they still talk as if theyre chasing the yankees....Living un New England's made me miss the Bronx..

