Not saying we should cater the entire system to them. But the system is clearly failing these players, it's not a fair deal for them and something needs to be done about it. I'm not sure what exactly should be done or how to go about it. All I know is it's an old and flawed system. It's there because thats the way it's always been done and it's so entrenched, not because it's fair.
I mean you think it's right that auburn pulled in 9 figures last season and a healthy profit after football expenses...yet all Cam Newton got was 1 year of school fees? It's no surprise dude was trying to get paid under the table.
If a legit minor league was developed and took away all/most of the players with a chance at a pro career it'd absolutely have a negative impact on how much money these schools make.
I mean you think it's right that auburn pulled in 9 figures last season and a healthy profit after football expenses...yet all Cam Newton got was 1 year of school fees? It's no surprise dude was trying to get paid under the table.
If a legit minor league was developed and took away all/most of the players with a chance at a pro career it'd absolutely have a negative impact on how much money these schools make.