Originally posted by heelswxman
I'm sure PP would enjoy watching the continued rise of the USSF, not that the MLS has played any role in this or anything. The fact that more average sports fans in the US actually giving a shit about the sport wouldn't have anything else to do with it either, no?
Every nation with international dreams needs domestic club leagues, levels of them, to grow talent.
I don't know why Americans who are fans of UEFA clubs shit on the MLS so hard, I really don't get it.
I mean yeah thanks to all the Captain Obvious' for the constant reminder it's 2nd rate middle of the pack (globally) football. Yeah my local club got humped at home today 6 to fucking 2 because they continue to play a system they quite simply do not have the talent to play, but what the fuck ever it's what we have which just 5 years ago I didn't have.
It's local football, it's growing the game in CONCACAF and more importantly to me in Canada. Fuckin piss off if you don't like it, but stop shitting on something you're fucking benefiting from you stupid North American cunts.