Flair is drunk again.
The General Wrestling Thread
This is a sticky topic.
TIL that The Shield can bury the entire under-through-mid card of the WWE roster by themselves...
But even if they fight with even numbers, they CAN'T beat Big Dave, Bag Shitter and Stephanie's Beard.
...at least not on free TV.
EDIT: Then again, I LOVE being wrong.Comment
I am thinking this might be it for Kane full-time. Perfect time as any for him to finally get involved in politics, and the way he's been moved around for much of the past year makes me think this could be his last full-time push.Comment
Because everyone...and by everyone...I mean everyone...has been waiting for that Team Hell No blow off. Giving the people what they want.Comment
Kane is the drizzling shits, but we all know that. You know VKM loves the guy probably, he's great in the locker room, you have to give him one last moment in the spotlight if he indeed is leaving. If he isn't leaving, I don't think Danielson's first feud should be against Kane.Comment
Mason Ryan has been long overdue. Looks good, but he's got nothing.
Shocked they cut Oliver Grey. Liked him when he teamed up with Neville as the token "other English guy".
Danny Burch has been jobber fodder for ages.Comment
Mike Knox is now a carny character.
Kenneth Cameron is now in TNA.
And MVP is now creating the Alliance to End White People Champions with Bobby Lashley and Kenny King.
What in the god damn hell?Comment
Also, Kenneth Cameron vanity searches.Comment
Watching TNA is great...its like watching an Asylum movie. Can't wait to see Transformers? Watch Transmorphers. TNA is Transmorphers.Comment