Those Savage promos from the ICW/Memphis days are some of the strangest ever cut.
The General Wrestling Thread
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Ryder has been getting an impressive reaction for awhile, at least for a guy who has never been given a push. In typical WWE fashion, they refuse to take advantage of it. Its not something they intended so its not going to be allowed to happen. It could be worse - they could be TNA and spend a bunch of effort to build up a guy, throw him back into the X Division immediately afterward, and now cut him.Comment
Ryder has been getting an impressive reaction for awhile, at least for a guy who has never been given a push. In typical WWE fashion, they refuse to take advantage of it. Its not something they intended so its not going to be allowed to happen. It could be worse - they could be TNA and spend a bunch of effort to build up a guy, throw him back into the X Division immediately afterward, and now cut him.
What is 90 days past April 28th again?Comment
Zack Ryder is interesting, not sure if any of you are big Twitter guys but he get's a lot and I mean a lot of praise on there from the bigger guys in the company like Miz and Cena. He is often a trending topic on there too. His Z! True Long Island Story show on Youtube is great and a ton of fans watch it. His shirt has sold out on more than once.
True though, typical of WWE to ignore all this.
ex: @JohnCena CeNation. Enjoy zack ryder. He is full of iced Z.
@ColtCabana: While @ZackRyder's YouTube show has 100k hits , he's continually kept off TV. Other "superstars" have 5k hits and are featured weeklyComment
If they cut Ryder, they are just dumb. This guy is embracing the idea of getting himself over even when he isn't on TV...AND ITS FUCKING WORKING...and they'll cut him lmfao.Comment
I've been a big supporter of the woo woo guy from the start. He's tremendous. Why he wasn't involved in the Snooki angle is beyond my understanding.Comment
What's it like commenting on an event in which you have to watch 2 guys throw themselves in to razor wire?Comment
I can't imagine having to sell a storyline while watching guys get tore up by barb wire. No idea how those guys commented old CZW matchersComment
Cornette's awesome quote in regards to this type of wrestling (which is tolerable sometimes but really not good for anyone involved) is: Back in the day we use to not hurt each other and they thought it was real now we really do hurt each other and everyone assumes it's fake.Comment
Cornette's awesome quote in regards to this type of wrestling (which is tolerable sometimes but really not good for anyone involved) is: Back in the day we use to not hurt each other and they thought it was real now we really do hurt each other and everyone assumes it's fake.Comment
If there's been proper build to it and it's not an every match thing then I think that's fine. Steen/Generico-ish.Comment