Is the Wellness policy going to drug test that Miami crowd, because I'm pretty sure they were on steroids. What was up with that, Larry? Did a lot of the WM crowd stick around Miami for Raw the next night or does South Beach just have a big 'ol boner for Danielson? That crowd was reminiscent of a top late 90's MNW crowd. They were really impressive.
And LULZ supr hrd at Vince. The crowd is DYING to see Danielson, but nope. Of course he has the hottest segment after Raw goes off the air. How in the world do guys like him, or Bischoff way back when, run these gigantic companies with the mind-set of a 4-year old?
And LULZ supr hrd at Vince. The crowd is DYING to see Danielson, but nope. Of course he has the hottest segment after Raw goes off the air. How in the world do guys like him, or Bischoff way back when, run these gigantic companies with the mind-set of a 4-year old?