The General Wrestling Thread
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Sheamus drives a horse-driven cart to the store.
WTF is the WWE's problem? You know why their aren't any legit heels anymore? Shit like that does selling some shitty t-shirt mean that much to them?Comment
While Orton (before last getting popped for Wellness) was basically killing his fellow Heels with evil tactics...
Sheamus has taken to trolling Del Rio in hilarious fashion.
...kudos you dirty peasant hooligan.Comment
Minus the bad knee, Fat Boys-esque attire from the 80s and poor dance moves, I wouldn't mind being Brodus Clay.
Two fine Chocolate Candy broads to accompany me wherever I may go?
I'll take it.
I likes me some DRK skin bitches.
I remember watching an Elimination Chamber match with Santino in it on YouTube a little while back. And that imitation of Mr. Socko... shame. I'm a huge Foley fan too. When Santino is part of the main event thats when you know WWE is in the shitter.Comment
Danielson, Miz, Ryder and Kane.
One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong.Comment
Great... the Timekeeper for the night is dead.
Thanks Kane, now we can't end the show tonight because nobody'll know when the matches are over.Comment
I've said that for boos for Danielson for quite some time. For as much as WWE claims to be for the fans, it seems they won't, under any circumstances, change someone from heel to face, or vice-versa, no matter if they are over with the fans or not.Comment
Since SmackDown's taped, they add cheers in post, make it sound like a guy's getting over when the crowd's really shitting on him, etc.
The miracle of modern television.Comment