A better athlete than Goldberg? Does he realize that Goldberg was a 2 time All-SEC defensive lineman? The SEC is kinda good at football. As a wrestler, they're the same. They both suck out loud. Less sloppy, I'll give him that.
The General Wrestling Thread
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Devon in aces and 8s bugs me because no biker gang like that would allow a black member. Cements bischoff as leader thoughComment
The reason given for why they likely aren't doing it (if at all) in 2013 was they want it to be THE main thing and with Rock and Brock in the picture, they don't really need Austin for a show that's already figured to do great business.
TNA has pretty much lost me. Was never a big fan of the whole Aces n' 8s thing and its just gone sideways. There is no conclusion they can bring it to that will make it worthwhile... Plus giving Hardy the belt, which just looks like a way to get him to sign a new contract... No thanks.Comment
The group of Slater, Mahal, and McIntyre is one of the weirdest combos I've seen. The 3MB eh? Really hope that doesn't stand for 3 Man Band.
Twitch Channel
Season I: 10-6 (NFC North Champions)
Season II: 9-7 (NFC North Champions)
Season III: 13-3 (NFC Champions)
Season IV: 11-5 (NFC North Champions)
Season V: 2-1
It really is dumb as fuck considering all of the talent they currently have thats going no where they decide to make a stable of these 3 fucks.Comment