HOF poll on Observer site

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  • FirstTimer
    Freeman Error

    • Feb 2009
    • 18720

    Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
    The rematch against Hogan at SuperBrawl did great business, too.
    Cool story. I still didn't care.


    • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
      • Feb 2009
      • 15428

      Originally posted by FirstTimer
      Cool story. I still didn't care.
      But lots of people still did.


      • FedEx227
        • Mar 2009
        • 10454

        Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
        Sometimes less is more.

        They hit it out of the park with that angle because he didn't talk, he didn't work, and he just sat there. The announcers didn't have to say anything, they were terrible anyway.

        It doesn't work with anyone else BUT Sting, so, of course he needs to get all of the credit.

        You build up heels to put over faces...the nWo was made to be built up...and put over Sting. They tried to do again...build up the nWo, so Goldberg can go over.

        The build up of the good guy going over the bad guy is where the money is in wrestling.
        Less is more, no doubt, but what about nothing? He really did next to nothing in-ring for the period where most people give him the most credit business-wise, I have a lot of problems with that.


        • FirstTimer
          Freeman Error

          • Feb 2009
          • 18720

          Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
          But lots of people still did.
          Good for them. It was like 2 months after Starcade. People were likely still coming down off the "ZOMG STING IS BACK WRESTLING!" high. Seemed to work out really well in the end, no?



          • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
            • Feb 2009
            • 15428

            Originally posted by FedEx227
            Less is more, no doubt, but what about nothing? He really did next to nothing in-ring for the period where most people give him the most credit business-wise, I have a lot of problems with that.
            The fact that he did nothing but show up and look at the nWo and still popped a monster buyrate is fucking impressive.

            And how fantastic was this entrance?

            I'd pay my $50 just to see THAT.


            • FedEx227
              • Mar 2009
              • 10454

              I'll be honest, I hated the fact that he just came down the ramp. I thought it would've been so much more impactful if he dropped from the rafters and just started brawling with Hogan. Either way, the build was awesome. I'm just not 100% comfortable giving him a ton of credit when he essentially didn't do a thing for a year but... be Sting. You could argue that he deserves credit because he didn't have to do anything. I don't know. Sting is weird. We could probably have a 5 hour podcast about him.


              • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                • Feb 2009
                • 15428

                Originally posted by FedEx227
                I'll be honest, I hated the fact that he just came down the ramp. I thought it would've been so much more impactful if he dropped from the rafters and just started brawling with Hogan. Either way, the build was awesome. I'm just not 100% comfortable giving him a ton of credit when he essentially didn't do a thing for a year but... be Sting. You could argue that he deserves credit because he didn't have to do anything. I don't know. Sting is weird. We could probably have a 5 hour podcast about him.
                I demand to be on that podcast...I refuse to listen to Joseph run his lips for 5 hours without being put in check.


                • FirstTimer
                  Freeman Error

                  • Feb 2009
                  • 18720

                  Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                  The fact that he did nothing but show up and look at the nWo and still popped a monster buyrate is fucking impressive.

                  And how fantastic was this entrance?

                  I'd pay my $50 just to see THAT.
                  Too bad everything after it sucked.


                  • FedEx227
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 10454

                    Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                    I demand to be on that podcast...I refuse to listen to Joseph run his lips for 5 hours without being put in check.
                    I'd love this. I'll be the arbiter.


                    • FirstTimer
                      Freeman Error

                      • Feb 2009
                      • 18720

                      Originally posted by FedEx227
                      I hate to knock him down because the payoff and eventual long term angle was ridiculous and made no sense but such is life.
                      And I hate to knock him too because I'm sure you could come up with a ton of different plausible theories of how or why Sting could have been the bigger star if this happened or that happened, etc. Reality is that it didn't happen and no matter the excuse whether it be shitty booking and ideas by WCW or Sting himself staying loyal to a failing company, the reality is that Foley was the bigger star. I'm not saying Sting sucks, or wasn't a great worker but star power wise Foley has him beat really easily in my mind.

                      Long live Socko

                      Foley is GO(o)D


                      • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 15428

                        Originally posted by FirstTimer
                        Too bad everything after it sucked.
                        Terrible match...perhaps the worst "big match" in the history of wrestling.

                        How they popped a huge buyrate for the rematch is fucking ridiculous.


                        • FedEx227
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 10454

                          Especially when you consider how much start/stop shit they did inbetween. Superbrawl felt SO thrown together, even as a youngin I thought it was lame. It was also a month later because Solded Out was one of the PPVs Hogan didn't get a cut of so he didn't want to work during it. Turns out with the main event of Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart it did really well and Hogan got super pissed. Such is WCW life.

                          The whole fast count, Bret Hart, etc. was just meh. The second the bell rang the air was out of the ballon. The match structure itself (which I heard was mostly on Hogan) was also just awful.


                          • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 15428

                            Originally posted by FedEx227
                            Especially when you consider how much start/stop shit they did inbetween. Superbrawl felt SO thrown together, even as a youngin I thought it was lame.

                            The whole fast count, Bret Hart, etc. was just meh. The second the bell rang the air was out of the ballon. The match structure itself (which I heard was mostly on Hogan) was also just awful.
                            Was Hogan's fault in every single way.

                            That match should have looked exactly like the night Goldberg beat Hogan on Nitro for the title.

                            Sting walks down, goes HAM on'em...maybe Hogan gets a little offense in via heel shenanigans, but then Sting has a huge babyface comeback, destroys the fuck out of Hogan...leaves.

                            Match should have been 7 minutes.

                            Crowd would have went home happy as fuck.

                            Hogan's ego got in the way...because he is one of the best of all time with playing with the crowd's emotions. He knew the right way to do business that night (he did with Goldberg) and he just couldn't let himself do the job the way it needed to be done.


                            • FedEx227
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 10454

                              GRUNGE MATCH~~~!!! TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING!

                              20 minutes of sleeper holds. Fuck/indecisive finish.



                              • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 15428

                                Originally posted by FedEx227
                                GRUNGE MATCH~~~!!! TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING!

                                20 minutes of sleeper holds. Fuck/indecisive finish.


