For a peak? A little later imo, maybe '03,'04-'08 or something like that.
I think you could argue big boys like ROH, Chikara, CZW, PWG all peaked somewhere in that period, plus the ECWA Super 8 was still a thing, and you had Samoa Joe, Punk, Danielson, Nigel, Aries, Briscoes, Hero, Generico, Steen, Davey, Necro, Claudio, Quack, Super Dragon, Lethal, Strong, Shelley, Evans, Colt, Homicide, Low Ki, and a bout a billion more guys im forgetting all tearing it up everywhere at the same time.
I think you could argue big boys like ROH, Chikara, CZW, PWG all peaked somewhere in that period, plus the ECWA Super 8 was still a thing, and you had Samoa Joe, Punk, Danielson, Nigel, Aries, Briscoes, Hero, Generico, Steen, Davey, Necro, Claudio, Quack, Super Dragon, Lethal, Strong, Shelley, Evans, Colt, Homicide, Low Ki, and a bout a billion more guys im forgetting all tearing it up everywhere at the same time.