Could you guys stop hating on AI! Sure the guy complains when he doesn't get minutes, he's on the wrong side of 30, he takes a lot of shots... so what! That's his game! Iverson's used to getting 40+ minutes per game and he's going to need that many (or as low as 35) to be successful on the court.
You guys can hate all you want, but the fact remains that this guy is the 3rd most prolific scorer (Points per game) in NBA history, and probably the best scorer of all time (if you take height and weight into account). This guy is a hall of famer, who should not be disrespected. I don't care if he didn't want to come off the bench, that's his right. Iverson deserves to be a starter on any team in this league, espescially one as weak as Detroit was last year.
I personally think that AI will be an excellent mentor for Mayo and Conley, and might help them improve their scoring abilities so they are better after he leaves the Grizzlies at the end of the season.
I kind of feel bad that Iverson went to Memphis also though, because he has no chance in hell of winning a 'chip there. He's going to go out like Karl Malone, bare-fingered.