This is ridiculous. I'm sure Bryce Harper loves baseball too. Both players act like douche bags when they hit homeruns. But while Bryce Harper would probably just say fuck you to the other team when they showboat, staying consistent with his "ass hole" reputation; Pujols is known for crying like a fourteen year old girl on the rag whenever a team one ups the Cardinals.
As I said in the other thread, I'm fine with players showboating. It's entertaining unless it's against my team. However when the Cardinals get a piece of their own medicine they douche it up and cry about "respecting the game" whatever the fuck that means. Back in the day, pitchers would throw at hitters who show boated, so maybe the Cubs should respect the games past and bean Pujols the next time the teams meet. Of course if that actually happened, Tony La Russa would start a douche off that would destroy all of baseball...