So, I don't make many threads because often they just vanish. But this has been something a co-worker and I have been talking about lately and I thought it was interesting, so I figured I'd give it a go.
What are some "bad" games (be it, review wise or reception wise) that you love? I put bad in quotes because the game doesn't really have to be bad (I don't want this to be like a "so bad, it's good!" movie thing), just maybe, it's lacking in a few qualities that make a game good (maybe the camera sucks, or maybe the AI is terrible, but at the same time, the game is very fun, sort of thing).
For me, harkening back to my Arcade post that, as expected, no one responded to, it would be Risen for the 360. It is a game with a metacritic score of 60, with pretty shitty graphics, an entirely too loose camera that isn't capable of being changed (!!!!!), and some periods of what could be either buggy quests or just poorly translated quests. Those things being said, I am playing through the game for the 4th time right now and I fucking love it. The story is great overall, the voice acting is great (Lena Headly FTW!), the combat is great when you really delve into it, and some of the quests are very unique and indepth despite being convoluted at times (backhanded compliment there).
I have some others, but my hope is that this thread will maybe take off a little and we can all share some games that have some major flaws but we still really like (and maybe, just maybe, get other people to play them).
What are some "bad" games (be it, review wise or reception wise) that you love? I put bad in quotes because the game doesn't really have to be bad (I don't want this to be like a "so bad, it's good!" movie thing), just maybe, it's lacking in a few qualities that make a game good (maybe the camera sucks, or maybe the AI is terrible, but at the same time, the game is very fun, sort of thing).
For me, harkening back to my Arcade post that, as expected, no one responded to, it would be Risen for the 360. It is a game with a metacritic score of 60, with pretty shitty graphics, an entirely too loose camera that isn't capable of being changed (!!!!!), and some periods of what could be either buggy quests or just poorly translated quests. Those things being said, I am playing through the game for the 4th time right now and I fucking love it. The story is great overall, the voice acting is great (Lena Headly FTW!), the combat is great when you really delve into it, and some of the quests are very unique and indepth despite being convoluted at times (backhanded compliment there).
I have some others, but my hope is that this thread will maybe take off a little and we can all share some games that have some major flaws but we still really like (and maybe, just maybe, get other people to play them).