Freeman Error
You don't think BCS reps are working behind the scenes to influence who picks whom? A matchup that results in either TCU/Boise beating another BCS conference team doesn't look good especially if the committee is concerned about Congress' threat to investigate the BCS. Either enough people were influenced to keep TCU/Boise in the same bowl or the BCS reps lucked out today. My skepticism toward the system makes me think the former.
I really doubt it honestly.
The Sugar had to replace Alabama...took Florida.
The Fiesta had to replace Texas. Took the strong regional pick in TCU. Replacing one Texas team with another.
The Rose was set.
The Orange had to take Tech.
Then the Orange Bowl picks and they take Iowa. Not a bad pick as Iowa has the best traveling fan base of any of the teams left that are eligible.
The Fiesta picks next and had to choose from Cinci, Boise St, Va Tech, or BYU. Them taking Boise St back isn't that much of a shock seeing as they had them when they upset Oklahoma so there is some history there. Frankly, they didn't have much to choose from really. You could make a case for Cinci but even still they have some history with Boise so it makes it a bit more of a compelling pick plus you have the two Cinderellas playing each other.
The Sugar Bowl pretty much got stuck with Cincinnati at that point because of the autobids.
And honestly if you wanted to be conspiratorial about it you could say the Fiesta, by picking Boise, therefore guaranteed that there would be at least two undefeated teams at the end of the season thus throwing the BCS/Playoff debate into even higher gear. They could have done it by choosing Cinci though too. Either way the theory works.
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