EVOLVE 18 review...better late than never.
Arda Ocal & Colt Cabana on commentary.
Tony Nese (2-3) vs AR Fox (6-4) - First of four matches where the winner moves on to a four way later in the show. The gimmick here, is one man will pick up TWO WINS, as we hit the home stretch for WrestleCon and the big title tournament.
I'm a big Nese mark. This guy is good. By now you should know AR Fox, and if you don't, go hit up YouTube now. Good fast paced opener, exactly what an opener should be. Problem was, the wrong guy won. Fox went over, but to me, he didn't need the win and this would have been a good chance to put over Nese. ***
Masada (1-0) vs Papadon (0-0) - Masada got a massive pop, which explained the larger than usual crowd - lots & lots of CZW fans there for the double shot (CZW Cage of Death was later that night in the same building). The less said about this Masada DGUSA/EVOLVE run, the better. He hasn't looked good. He doesn't really mesh with the style or the roster. And this match was pretty bad, too. It was hard hitting, and probably the best Masada match for this group to date, but that isn't saying much. Masada won with a brainbuster. *1/2
At this point, Larry Dallas saunters out to the ring. He cuts his trademark shitty promo and offers Papadon a contract. He says he can take Papadon TO THE TOP. I get that Papadon is new and all, but if he did any kind of research, he would see that Dallas's other charges, The Scene, are still working openers after two years with the company. Surely Papadon is going to tear that contract up and...oh wait, HE SIGNED IT. That seemed too easy.
Now Marti Belle comes out, and I kid you not, if there was such a thing as a negative pop, this was it. Nobody cared about her. I mean, the building was SILENT. I swear I heard a toilet flush as she ran in. The silence was deafening. I've never seen a more apathetic wrestling crowd. Not a single person cared about her or her stupid ongoing angle with Dallas. Anyway, somehow this became a match. Two men vs one woman. Papadon powerbombed her, and Dallas stole the pin. So is Dallas 1-0? This whole thing was awful, just awful. Wrestlecrap awful.
Rich Swann (1-2) vs Jigsaw (1-2) - Good action. Swann wins.
Jon Davis (4-3) vs Chuck Taylor (9-4) - Taylor was accompanied by Drew Gulak & THE SWAMP MONSTER. This was played for comedy. Taylor did his invisible grenade routine from CHIKARA. He tossed it to the outside, where it "exploded" on Swampmonster, who sold it like a million bucks. These shenanigans distracted Davis and Taylor went for a cheap roll up for a Fire Pro-like 2.9 count. Davis would go on to win.
Davis says he is coming after Gargano tonight. Again?
Arda hits the ring and announces that The Young Bucks are coming back to DGUSA/EVOLVE in 2013. Yay. He also announces that John Morrison will work a match on the DGUSA west coast swing in January. The CZW crowd shits on this, and I chuckle. Some broad hits the ring and is freaking out of Morrison, and wants to be his manager. They never say her name. Christina Von Eerie shows up and lays her out, then mumbles something about Mad Blankey. This got over like a wet fart. These EVOLVE non wrestling segments are the pits.
Super Smash Bros (2-2) vs El Generico & Samuray Del Sol (0-0) - Generico & Samuray pick up the win here, in a match that was about as good as you would expect, but nothing blow away or memorable.
The bigger news, is Arda Ocal talked about JOE LANZA during this match. Why?
Fox vs Masada vs Swann vs Davis - Masada dropped Fox on his neck and nearly killed him. In four matches with this company, Masada is batting .500 in legit hurting guys. This match was super short, and with the absence of the usual Gabe Sapolsky merch pushing intermission, it was clear they were in a rush to make sure CZW started on time. Swann wins, so he's 3-2 now and it looks like they are trying to get him into the tournament.
Open the Freedom Gate Title - Johnny Gargano vs Sami Callihan - This is DGUSA rules, so no W/L records and traditional pro wrestling wackiness is ok. Jon Davis was planning on taking advantage by getting involved, but Sami Callihan told him to get lost. Match started slow, and was looking like typical Sami (i'm not a fan), but they finished real strong and this was probably the best Sami match i've ever seen. Keep in mind, I didn't like the Finlay matches people rave about or any of his other "classics", but this I really enjoyed. Gargano used the Gargano Escape with knees to the head for the ref stoppage. ****
Overall a pretty good show, clocking in at a brisk 2 hours, 20 minutes. The vignettes were really, really bad. Masada was Masada. The rest was good. This was better than the New Japan Tag League & CHIKARA Under the Hood, but not even close to a best show of the year contender.