Man the more I think about the show, the more I think that production has their hand in alot of things.
I still can't believe Brendon won that vote fair and square. By chance they have the twist right after he exits as well?
Also, wasn't that the biggest fake suprise face by Rachel when they announced Brendon and the other guests might come back?
Rachel held her mouth open for like a minute on camera. Normally irrational Rachel would be going crazy for her man, the same Rachel that openly cursed on live TV on last weeks HoH competition.
Instead we get a fake suprise face for a whole minute? Seemed VERY VERY staged. And of course it's a challange Brendon would win. Although he would have won the majority of challanges vs. lawon.
I could see production telling Rachel about it because they so badly would want her to stay in the game but at the same time I can't see how Rachel would be able to keep her mouth shut if she knew about it.
Cant believe America would vote in Brendon over Dominic.. Brendon and Rachel surely have to be annoying the majority of the watchers of the show, I just cant see it being legit.
Something to think about is that Brendon and Rachel are on Jeff and Jordan's side. So all of the J/J fans would vote him back in knowing that he would most likely help out J/J rather than Dominic who was against them.