You making it sound like Ian did nothing all season. He turned it on at the right time and won the game. If he hadn't he would have been stuck on the jury as another victim of Dan's. Instead he beat Dan and came out 500k richer.
Im not saying Ian did nothing all season, as I said more deserving than shane, jenn, joe, danielle but not more "deserving" than dan or even frank. Dan did infinitely more than Ian if you're doing the whole turned it on at the right time argument. From Dan's funeral on he
completely ran the game. A good way to describe the last half of the season is "I'm not sure if Dan is smarter than everyone else, or if everyone is is just really that stupid/naive ". Dan got just about all of the blood on his hands, but Ian smelled liked roses to the jury. They were mad at Dan, not happy for Ian (except for
maybe britney). Like I said earlier, Janelle's quote last night describes BB14. Hell, if Ian himself were to look back and watch season 14, as logical and as much of a fan as he is, he would probably himself say that Dan "deserved" the win, but the jury was just bitter. Ian knew it too based on what he said, "he kept saying his grandfathers cross". But good for Ian, playing to the jury, but Dan "deserved" it more. Dan had more enemies than Ian had friends.
Ian's back was against the wall late and he pulled out a couple HoHs and Vetos when he needed it. The spinning endurance comp he beat out Shane which was huge. He won the POV on the double eviction episode to take himself off the block when he was about to get sent home.
Dan got Frank & Jenn to use the POV on him when he knew he was going home (Dan's funeral) >>> Ian winning the POV to save himself. But Dan still masterminded everything, Dan didnt win those competitions and he was still in the final two. Your argument doesn't hold up, still favoring Dan on pure gameplay. But like I've been saying, the jury voted against Dan not for Ian. So Ian wins.