I think some players just like the aspect of making/training their own players to make a future great team and could care less what they look like on the field, as long as they win. I'm sure there are people who go on with awesome uniforms and lose to these horrible outfitted players....it's like wearing new Jordans to the playground and losing to someone wearing Chucks....haha. :dunno:
yes, I get all that of course...but the dynamic is that this is the internet , not a only offline mode.You have the opportunity to share and show off what you made. You are looking at your tv at something you made and its seen by others around the world. Make a freaking effort LOL. I've considered myself creative but I didnt think I was that good. Apparently I am because no one else rivals me LOL at least not the majority that I see...Ive made like 8 teams and played maybe 80 games and only like 2-3 guys made a true effort....some guys can create great stuff, mine is very basic but hardly anyone tries.
you have a colorful game and yes these kids have been programed to only care to have the biggest PCI immediately for the all mighty win column .
its a game, its still ratings based...I played a guy last night with a 103 mile an hour pitcher.
he wasnt even trying to deceive me, he just assumed he would succeed and was right against my weak players.
and he was only ahead 6 - 2 but when i pitched to him i was trying to be creative but my generic pitcher was so bad he couldnt hit the strike zone unless i blatantly threw it in the middle and the guy didnt bother swinging just to taunt me that I sucked as far as he was concerned LOL
the last update made hitting not so easy but guys with huge PCIs still get away with murder if they have an above average IQ LOL
all they have to do is wait for it,
yet still, this game is way more entertaining then Madden because ive lost and won in so many different ways.
I had a walk off ground rule double today LOL
and the 10 run mercy rule makes the game more tolerable against the cheating cocky jack asses.
I just won a fantastic 2-1 game earlier... I always have to play small ball till my generics get more money and ratings while my outfielders are getting most of the outs LOL