Serious question. When does this game get good? I think I'm about to meet the arms dealer guy, Chen Li I think his name is. This game has been standard shooter fare to this point.
There are some things that have stood out as just poor/lazy design or just annoyances to me at least.
1) Elizabeth throwing money at you.
Having her throw helpful items during battles is a nice feature but throwing a quarter at you every 3o seconds is annoying and dumb.
2) The totally predictable battles.
I understand that in most game you have a pretty good idea when a battle is about to take place. But when you enter an area in this game and see tears everywhere, gee, I wonder what's about to happen? There is like zero surprise at all.
3) Having only two guns sucks.
Is it more realistic? Absolutely? But why is that the only thing realistic in the the game? I'm constantly trying to figure out what two weapons to hold on to and of course I usually end of having the shittiest weapons I can have for an upcoming battle. This change, along with the lack of a save anywhere feature, are the two biggest omissions between this game and the first two games.
4) Sniper aiming.
For some reason the aiming sensitivity when ADS of a sniper rifle is waaaaaay off. I have the sensitivity turned down really low (which sucks when trying to run and look though), yet when I look trough a sniper scope the thing is flying all over. It's way too sensitive and doesn't correlate at all to the aiming of the rest of the guns. It makes zero sense.
5) Backtracking.
I'm obviously not terribly far into the game but I've put several hours into it and I've already spent what seems like half of that time backtracking. You go all the way through an area to find something (most likely a boss type enemy) and then have to travel all the way back to the start of the area. Maybe that is just a Bioshock staple?
6) Lack of continuity.
Ok, so there is a part where Elizabeth starts pressing Booker about why he's there, what he does, yada, yada. He finally admits to her that he owes a lot of money and agreed to bring her back to his debtor to make good on the debt. She just seems to shrug it off. Then a few hours later you have that scene in the gondola and you tell her the exact same thing and this time she freaks out and starts crying. WTF?!? Then she gets kidnapped which of course helps move along the story. That made absolutely no sense to me.
7) Lockpicks.
Why are these things so scarce yet most decent doors need five of them to open?!?
I will say that meeting up with the Vox finally has made things interesting and I'm hoping the story really opens up from here.
shit starts getting real when you have to find chen-li
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