I was just talking to Handle and he seems to have the same issues with the game that I have. The save issue sucks, there is way too much backtracking and the money throwing mechanic is waaaaaaaaaaay overdone. Seriously Elizabeth, every time I find money, you conveniently do too and have to toss it to me? Thanks for that whole $2! Don't get me wrong, free money is great but holy shit does that get old.
It also just seems so weird that the game doesn't have any type of map. One of the best things about the first two games was the map. That way I could explore as much as I wanted and know where I've been and where I haven't. In this game I try to search every nook and cranny but is some cases I get turned around, like on the level I'm on now. Plus, somehow I completely missed the Charge Vigor. I ended up having to buy it which I've never had to do in a Bioshock game.
The predictability is pretty disappointing too. As I've stated before, when I walk into an area and see tears all over the place I know to get ready for a battle. It's doubly disappointing when it's an area I've already been to and have to double back through it and see tears all over that weren't there previously. And in particular, the level I'm on now I knew there were certain buildings that I would have to go into but they were barred up, just in a way to make you go through everything two or more times. I knew that as soon as I reached the Comstock house my objective would update and those buildings would magically open up and become accessible, and sure enough...
Like I said, the game is very good, but at least up to now is nowhere near as good as the first two.