All of you are missing my point.
Those coaches Larry & dave named are job hoppers..,just like Stevens is now.
Of course he can go back to college with his tail between his legs, like Mike Montgomery or Lon Kruger or pick the college coach fail of your choice. I'm not saying he'll drop off the earth.
I'm saying he had a chance to anchor himself at Butler for life, and become on of those rare iconic coaches that spend a million years at the same program after building it from scratch. Now he's just a mercenary like the rest. He might have a successful career, he could be the next Pitino, or he could be the next Montgomery. Either way, he tossed away a chance at a special legacy for a situation where, lets face it, he is probably going to fail.
I think you're 100% right. I can't disagree....... But that's why I also applaud him for taking thus leap that came out of nowhere.
I guess what I'm sayin is I dig the risk taker in him, because he looked so opposite of the risk taker type.
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