Late to the party.
I also think it's crazy that Detroit fans are acting crazy like this. Have they completely forgotten the last 10 years of Lions football? I'd be treading with cautious optimism. Detroit's success is as fragile as Stafford's health. I'd be fearing that the whole thing is going to cave in if Stafford has another season ending injury.
Enjoy it while you can, I guess.
lol wut? The way we've played the last ten plus years is exactly why we're acting like this. Every generation of Lions fans have been let down, or just watched shit football, of course we're going to get excited after starting 5-0 and winning our first MNF game in decades. Who would expect otherwise?
Stafford got hurt on two freak injuries that were exactly alike. Most people get hurt when you fall directly on your shoulder with a DE on top of you. And, we probably have the best backup QB in the league, so even if by some chance Stafford does get injured, we have someone capable, which is all we really need. Anyway, enjoy third place.